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Ada's latest news

Land Transfers in the Ada school district, September 2023

The following eight land transfers took place in the Ada Exempted Village School District in September 2023 as reported on the website of the Hardin County, Ohio auditor Michael T. Bacon HERE.


2120 County Rd 10, Sept 12, 2023, $75,400.00, House Trailer Affixed To Real Estate Unplatted

Township Rd 35, Sept 13, 2023, $208,267, Agricultural Vacant Land

Township Rd 35, Sept 13, 2023, $208,267, Agricultural Vacant Land

Township Rd 35 Rear, Sept 13, 2023, $208,267, Agricultural Vacant Land

3908 Township Rd 55, Sept 29, 2023, $20,000.00, 4 M/H On Real Estate 

508 Main St, Sept 14, 2023, $340,000.00, Single Family Dwelling

539 N. Simon St, Sept 6, 2023, $141,000.00, Single Family Dwelling

313 E. Highland Ave, Sept 22, 2023, $149,000.00, Single Family Dwelling


Obituary for Carmenel Mullins

Carmenel Mullins, age 73, of McGuffey, passed away on Sunday, October 8, 2023, at Lima Memorial Health System.  

Carmenel was born on September 24, 1950, in Paintsville, Kentucky to the late Samuel and Odie (Joseph) Mullins, Sr. 

Icon holiday on Monday, October 9

The Ada Icon and Bluffton Icon will take a holiday break on Monday, October 9, Indigenous People's Day/Columbus Day. Icon content will be on pause except for breaking news including sports and obituaries.

Liberty Village Preschool to host craft fair

The Village PUP Pack Craft Show has been scheduled for Saturday, November 4 from 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Organizers are highlighting vendor on a Facebook event page.

The show will take place in the school cafeteria, 725 West North Avenue.

Here's the invitation:

Join us for our 2nd craft show fundraiser for the Village PUP Pack preschool booster club.

We have vendors of all kinds and will feature them all before the event!

$3 donation for entry for adults, children free of charge. We’ll also have raffle baskets!


15 minutes with Victoria Ross and Alaina Robirds

With Paula Scott

The Icon received a tip that Ada High School graduates Victoria Ross (college senior) and Alaina Robirds (college sophomore) are both playing in the Ohio University Marching 110. We recenly chatted about this life-changing experience. 

Q. Is it a coincidence you are both at Ohio University (O.U.)?

VICTORIA: In high school we were alway really good at encouraging each other to take whatever path would really benefit us the most and get us to the places we wanted to go, to reach our goals.

I like to think that telling Alaina of how much fun the Marching 110 is and what a family we have at O.U. I want to think I made it sound like a ‘must come’ kind of deal.”

ALAINA: Victoria is pretty spot on. I was looking at O.U. because I had a teacher who went [there. He said] “Oh you should totally look at it. It’s got a bunch of really great opportunities. Not just course work wise but extracurriculars, intramurals and so I was really drawn to O.U.… and because I had a really good support system here with Victoria.


Bulldog football felled at Spencerville

By Cort Reynolds

The visiting Ada High School football team led early but lost 35-14 at Spencerville in a Northwest Conference battle Friday night, October 6.

The Bulldogs scored the game’s first touchdown, yet trailed 14-7 at halftime. 
