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After 2 gap years, Bluffton Arts & Craft show returns under new management

Returning to Bluffton after two COVID gap years, the Bluffton Arts & Craft Show has a new host and will take place just yards away from its traditional location in downtown Bluffton. The Bluffton Area Chamber of Commerce has handed the reins over to Blended Roots, a consignment craft shop at 246 Cherry St.

There will be 51 vendors with booths outdoors and products from 65 vendors indoors. Parts of Cherry, Railroad and Vance Streets will be closed beginning at 6 a.m. for setup. The show will run from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Almost all of May's weather

Weather observations by Guy Verhoff, Pandora

The HVAC report? 14 heating days and 13 cooling days.

Hardin County Agriculture and Natural Resources Update

By Mark Badertscher, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator

OSU Extension Hardin County, 1021 W. Lima Street, Suite 103, Kenton, OH 43326, 419-767-6037

If you are fortunate enough to have your corn and soybeans planted, you may be part of the few farmers who are done in the county. However, according to the latest Ohio Crop Weather report, only 52% of the corn is planted and 36% of the soybean field fields are planted across Ohio.

Photo-story: First Ada cancer benefit game raises thousands

By Cort Reynolds

On May 28, the first annual Ada varsity baseball and softball "Strike Out Cancer" benefit game raised $2,516.50. That total is expected to rise with another round of t-shirt sales.

The nine-inning game ended up 19-15 as the winning team rallied from an 11-0 deficit. The co-ed teams were comprised of players from both the Ada varsity baseball and softball teams.

Spencer Wall slugged three homers while Roman Snyder drilled two long balls, the second of which broke a 13-13 tie in the seventh inning. Kadin Phipps launched two sky-high home runs over the left field fence. Zach Neiswander and Tyler Jameson also went deep once each.

Stars and stripes at Woodlawn Cemetery

The 2022 Memorial Day ceremony at Ada's Woodlawn cemetery honored U.S. military personnel who have died while serving the United States. The program (attached) was co-sponsored by VFW Post 9381 and American Legion Post 185.

The most courageous person I ever knew

Photograph of Captain Richard Louis Basinger courtesy of The Virtual Wall.

By Bill Herr, Icon columnist

Courage is defined in Webster's Dictionary as mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty. The most courageous person I ever knew was my friend, Dick Basinger. His father was my Vocational Agriculture teacher at Bluffton High School, Mr. Lorain Basinger. 
