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Zoom link for June 7 Ada council meeting

The Village of Ada provides a Zoom link so that you may attend the next council meeting--at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 7--remotely.

Zoom Meeting

Village of Ada Regular Council Meetings are held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of every month at 6:30 pm. 


Johnny Appleseed Metro Parks 50 years-50 mile challenge

In 2022, the Johnny Appleseed Park District is marking its 50th anniversary. One way to join the celebration is to participate in the district's 50 Mile Challenge. Walk, run or hike any of the nearby trails to complete the 50 miles, receive a 50 Mile Challenge Sticker and be entered in a drawing to win fabulous prizes.

Prizes include OSU Football tickets, Dayton Dragon tickets, Trekking poles, restaurant gift certificates.

June 15 marks the calendar halfway point, but participants have until September 1 to walk 50 miles and turn in log sheets.

ONU to host 7th annual LSO Patriotic Pops concert

Free 7 p.m. concert on July 2

The Lima Symphony Orchestra’s free, public Patriotic Pops concert will be held at Ohio Northern University on Saturday, July 2 at 7 p.m. The event will take place on the sculpture mall east of McIntosh Center between Presser and Weber halls.

This family-friendly concert will feature several Independence Day-themed musical selections. The LSO is under the direction of Maestro Andrew Crust.

Attendees are encouraged to arrive early and bring lawn chairs, blankets and picnics.

Look -- Out -- BELOW!!!

It was a hot, sunny day when the Icon recently visited Ada's Municipal Pool but the air near the splash pad was delicious. Yesterday, June 1, the pool had a thunder-lightning delay, which are announced on Facebook.

Ada Schools 4th quarter honor roll announced

The Ada Exempted Village Schools have announced the following 4th Quarter Honor Roll for school year 2021-2022:


All A
Derek Dennis, Blaine Fensler, Emersyn Lee, Aubrey Luellen, Josie Stoll And Charity Williams

Cash Alger, Ally Allen, Tristan Arnett, Shay Boedicker, Dylan Bowen, Naomi Carl, Ka’maih Chinn, Waylon Clemons, Scarlett Craig, Mason Dewitt, Luke Fisher, Ben Fullom, Drew Griffin, Willie Griffin, Madi Hall, Ethan Hollar, Brooke Kah, Annie Ludwig, Lincoln Maris, Savanna Rayl, Chloe Richardson, Aubrey Roberts, Grant Smith, Janessa St Laurent, Maeve Ulrey And Eelyn Yoakum

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire

Consequences of vaping

By Karen Kier
Pharmacist on behalf of the ONU HealthWise team

The idiom “where there’s smoke, there’s fire” appeared in John Heywood’s Proverbs from 1546 when he wrote there is no fire without smoke. The saying means if unpleasant things are being said about something or someone, then there is probably a good reason. As others have indicated, there is some foundation to the rumor.  
