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Ada's latest news

June Board of Education meeting summary

New hires, donations, vote on contracts 

The July 29 meeting of the Board of Education of the Ada Exempted Village Schools began with an Executive session to consider employment and bargaining. Present at the meeting were board members Ted Griffith, Ron Fleming, Steve Ramey and board president Dr. Amy Mullins. Matt Gossman was absent.

Dr. Dan Lee, High School and Middle School Principal, reported on:

Garage sale listings from Ada Area Chamber of Commerce

The Ada Area Chamber of Commerce is publicizing garage sales to be held in the Ada area on July 7-8-9.

The attached list includes those sales submitted to date (9 a.m., July 5).

Chamber director Lindsay Walden notes that "There is still time to add yours. Be sure to share this image to spread the word."

The chamber also suggests:

Need an "Aww" moment?

ONU's Polar Paws social media page is our new favorite photo treat. The organization has teamed up with 4 Paws for Ability to improve the lives of children with disabilities. Members of Polar Paws foster and socialize 4 Paws for Ability dogs and educate our community on the role of a service dog.

Bingo at APL July 5 and 19

The Ada Public Library will host Bingo at 7 p.m. on Tuesdays, July 5 and 19.

All ages are welcome at the event, located at 320 N. Main St.

For more information on library programming, visit

1908 Dola photo of 4th of July

This 1908 RP postcard features a photo of the 1908 4th of July Parade in Dola, Ohio.

Have historic photos of our area? You can share them with the Icon at [email protected] and on Old Pictures of Forgotten Ohio on Facebook.

Agenda for July 5 council meeting

The Village of Ada counci meets tonight, July 5, at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building, 115 W. Buckeye Ave.

To join remotely by Zoom, use this LINK.

The meeting agenda is attached. A complete packet is available on the village website HERE, which includes:

  • Agenda
  • Future meeting dates
  • Minutes to be approved from June 21
  • Claims register
  • Council memo regarding transfer of property located in the Grass Run Industrial Park to the Ada Community Improvement Corporation (CIC)
  • Village of Ada investment policy
