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Liberty National Bank's Project Warmth: a great winter project in the summer

By Monty Siekerman
When it's nearly 90 degrees outside (in the shade), perhaps it's a good time to think about Project Warmth. Everyone is talking about the extended heat spell, but those temperatures won't be around in the winter.

Here, Corsie Arn, operations manager of the Ada branch of Liberty National Bank, shows the display of raffle items for Project Warmth.

Raffle tickets are $1 each or six for $5 and may be purchased at the bank.
Bank employees created the fundraiser in 1990 to help local children stay warm during the winter.

Bear Bear, 12-year-old pomeranian mix, Icon's dog of the week

Bear Bear, 12-year-old male pomeranian mix, 7 pounds, older fellow in need of a loving home.

To give a dog a forever home, contact the Hardin County dog shelter. It is located at 49 Jones Road on the west side of Kenton.

Hours: 9 am to 4 pm on Monday, Thursday, and Friday. Phone: 419-674-2209.
Generally, about 20 to 25 dogs are available for viewing.

Lee Crouse tells us that 1890 was a good year to live in Ada

Things you didn’t know about your own hometown
By Lee Crouse
[email protected]

January 1890 Articles of incorporation for the Ada Tri-County Fair Company have been filed and stock books will probably be opened soon. The capital stock will be $10,000 divided into 100 shares.

February 25, 1890, the ONU military contest was inaugurated that was to become of great importance in the development of the school.

Early 1890s the Ada Water, Heat, Light & Power Company was granted a franchise for furnishing hot and cold water to Ada.

Ada HS class officers - class of 2001

Here are the Ada High School senior class officers during the 2000-2001 school year. They are Jenise Smalley, president, Chris Poling, vice-president, Elisa Lenssen, secretary and Bill Putt, treasurer.

Suter's has sweet corn, tomatoes, peaches, melons

Suter's Produce now has sweet corn picked daily, plus tomatoes, peaches and melons.

These are available at:
• 302 Carryout, 302 S. Main St., Ada
• State Route 103 at Circle K, Bluffton
• Bluffton Farmers' Market (Saturdays 8:30 a.m. - noon)
• Rodabaugh Brothers Meats, Pandora

Check the website for updates:

Cinderella enchants youngsters during visit to Ada

Cinderella's visit to Ada on Saturday was a huge hit with youngsters 10 and under. (And with their parents who snapped lots of photos.)

Some youngsters were so enthrauled they couldn't speak. Others wanted to know where the prince was.

Cinderella has answers for every question and is just as charming in person as she is on the movie screen.

Her visit to Ada was during the Streamline Insurance Solutions and Wine and Design grand opening at 220 N. Main St. Ada.

Owners are Mark Southward, his daughter, Amanda Morrison, and Amanda’s husband Joe Morrison, who are from the Hardin Northern area.

