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Ada's latest news

Economic development discussion

Kevin Ernst, Ohio Northern University, tells members of the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce about the new community economic development program. Click for a video.

Several part-time contracts on Apollo board agenda

Several part-time contracts are on the Monday, Oct. 22, Apollo Career Center board of education agenda. The meeting is at 7 p.m. at Apollo.

To view the entire agenda, open the attachment at the bottom of this story.

Low temperature of the growing season reaches 33 degrees

The growing season has yet to end - it almost ended on Oct. 11 when the low temperature reached 33 degees. Here are the high temperatures, low temperatures and precipitation recorded in the past seven days.

Date High Low Rain
Oct. 9  61  38  0.00
Oct. 10  55  34  0.01
Oct. 11  60  33  0.00
Oct. 12  55  37  0.00
Oct. 13  67  35  0.14
Oct. 14  70  54  0.00
Oct. 15  56  45  0.00

Community pumpkin scavenger hunt planned Oct. 29

A community pumpkin scavenger hunt is on the Ada community calendar on Monday, Oct. 29. Persons of all ages are welcome to participate in this fun evening.

Participants will receive maps at the Ada Depot on Main Street at about 6:30 p.m. on the 29th. The scavenger hunters will look for the business involved to find the numbered pumpking at the location. 

When the maps are completed participants will bring them back to the Depot by 7:30 p.m.  Halloween snacks will be available while the drawing for prizes takes place.

Prior to the scavenger hunt, a Halloween parade starts at 5:30 p.m. near the Ada police station.

First United Methodist's Vision Committee and Building Committee studying options for new building

By Alli Walbolt, Ada Icon intern
Last spring the First United Methodist Church building was lost in a tragic fire. It devastated the town of Ada, all surrounding areas, and anyone who heard about it. The question on everyone’s mind now is what will happen next?

The congregation is currently meeting in English Chapel on Ohio Northern’s campus, but working on plans for the building and vision as a whole. Dr. Robert McCurdy is chair of the First United Methodist Church building committee and has been hard at work, along with all the committee members, trying to restore the church.

This just fits

Ohio Northern University mascot "Klondike," gets fitted for hat during the Oct. 16 downtown Ada cash mob at Reichert's. Click for a video.
