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Book Review: Navajo mythology comes alive after the climate apocalypse

Review by Robert McCool

If you have read Tony Hillerman you know the legends and folktales about immortal beings living in the Sacred Mountains that surround the Dine'tah (the Navajo reservation). Those same mountains protected the parched desert that is now the Dine'tah when the apocalypse drowned most of the world with the “Big Water.” And, after the Energy Wars there wasn't enough fuel to maintain the lifestyle we enjoy now. The world lay fallow and empty without an apology from anyone. These are dystopian tales.

To spray or not to spray foliar products

By Laura Lindsey, Andy Michel, Horacio Lopez-Nicora-OSU Extension, Ag Crops Team and edited by Mark Badertscher-OSU Extension, Hardin County

HARDIN COUNTY–When should I spray a foliar fungicide? First, consider the disease triangle. For  a disease to develop, there must be a susceptible host (Is your soybean variety resistant or  susceptible?, a virulent pathogen (Is there a history of a certain disease in your field? Do you  see any visual symptoms of disease?), and conducive environmental conditions. Most foliar  diseases, such as brown leaf spot and frogeye leaf spot, are favored by wet conditions. 

Ohio Northern COVID-19 safety plan for Fall 2022

Ohio Northern University has issued the folloing update to its COVID-19 Safety Plan. On Thursday, August 4 the COVID-19 Community Level for Hardin County was upgraded to High.

For Fall 2022, Ohio Northern University announces that the following COVID-19 safety plan will go into effect on Aug. 5, 2022. ONU encourages all members of our community to take health precautions and get vaccinated and boosted to protect yourself, your colleagues and your fellow students.

Weekend Doctor: About platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments

By Michael Stump, MD
Blanchard Valley Orthopedics & Sports Medicine

Many people suffer from chronic musculoskeletal conditions, such as tendinitis and osteoarthritis. While conservative treatments such as anti-inflammatory medications and rehabilitation can be effective in treating these conditions, sometimes they do not work. The next step in treatment of these conditions is often corticosteroid injections. These will often relieve symptoms quickly, but often do not have lasting results beyond six to eight weeks. In the past, if these conservative treatments were not effective, the next option was typically surgery.  However, today, there is a new treatment available that research has shown to be effective in treating chronic musculoskeletal conditions: platelet-rich plasma (PRP) that may be able to avoid or delay surgery and many of these conditions.

Astronomy club meeting and Perseid viewing

The Hardin County Astronomy Club will meet at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday August 10 at the Hardin County Courthouse Veterans Meeting Room.

The club will also hold a Perseid meteor shower viewing party at the McGuffey Park on August 12 or 13 with an inclement weather night the next night.

Organizers note, "More information to come as we pin down the date. Full Moon will interfere with meteor observing. Bring blankets, lawn chairs, binoculars, telescopes, snacks, RED flashlights, mosquito repellant.

"Leave home any white flashlights or bright lights."

Probable case of monkeypox identified in Allen County

Learn about symptoms of monkeypox

Allen County Public Health (ACPH) is announcing that one probable case of monkeypox has been identified in Allen County. As of 8/4/22, the CDC is identifying 38 known cases of monkeypox in Ohio.

Allen County residents should be aware of the following symptoms of monkeypox infection:

Rash that looks similar to pimples or blisters. The rash will go through stages that include scabs before healing. The rash can be located on one or more areas of the body including: hands, feet, chest, face, genitals, or inside the mouth, vagina, or anus.
