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JAMPD nature photography exhibit begins Dec. 1

ArtSpace/Lima and the Johnny Appleseed Metropolitan District announce the opening of the annual Nature Photography Contest Exhibition.

The kindest acts

Columnist Bill Herr taught high school mathematics and science for 32 years before serving as a volunteer and then as a staff chaplain at two nursing homes. In this series of articles, he writes about his experiences with elderly residents. He does not use the residents’ real names.

By Bill Herr

Some of the kindest acts I have ever witnessed occurred when residents in nursing homes did acts of love and kindness toward fellow residents. One example was an exchange between Harry and Jim. 

Hardin County rainfall report for 2023 growing season

By Mark Badertscher
Agriculture and Natural Resources Extension Educator

HARDIN COUNTY__ With the help of 15 volunteer rainfall reporters, the Hardin County Extension office has collected unofficial township rainfall data for the past 31 consecutive years. The 2023 growing season began with some early planting in April; however wet soil prevented much field work from occurring until late in May. Frequent rains combined with cool temperatures in early May slowed evaporation and kept field conditions wet. Farmers were able to finish planting crops in June that they didn’t get planted in May. June continued with cooler temperatures and dry weather which slowed early season growth.

Low amounts of rainfall across parts of the county occurred in July after a dry month in June. Rains were spread out throughout the month of July, which resulted in lower disease pressure in crops. Both corn and soybean crops grew slowly until the rains started in early July. August brought more needed rain for county crops after a dry start to the growing season. Farmers were counting on rain to complete ear fill and to produce soybean pods.

Agenda for November meeting of Apollo Board of Education

The 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting of the Apollo Board of Education on November 27, 2023 will include new business of a Resolution of Acceptance In the  Ohio Facilities Construction Commission Career Technical Construction Program. The agenda is attached

In addition to Ron Fleming of Ada, members of the board are 

Mike Carpenter 

Spencer Clum 

Dennis Fricke 

 Yvonne Marrs 

Dan Marshman 

Ron Mertz 

Jackie Place 

Jeremy Scoles 

Mr. Brian Spallinger 

Mr. Ned Stechschulte 

COLORING PAGE Home for the Holidays

Tis the season for holiday baking and finding some quiet time for coloring. Enjoy our "Home for the Holidays" coloring page that combines both. Printable PDF for all monthly coloring pages HERE.

Weekend Doctor: Taking care with fall yardwork

By Misty Watkins, LPN
Primary Care Manager, Blanchard Valley Medical Practices

As the trees are in their final stages of losing their leaves, the temperatures begin to drop, and the winds begin to pick up, many homeowners start feeling the pressure of getting their fall yard cleaning done before winter sets in. 
