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Ada's latest news

Icon asks congregations for Ash Wednesday information

The beginning of the Christian season of Lent is on Ash Wednesday, Feb. 17. The Icon invites local congregations to provide Ash Wednesday and mid-week Lent services scheduled.

Send information to: [email protected]

Attention high school students

Interested in being in the AHS color guard?

Ada High School's band program will host a color guard clinic on four evenings in early March for interested 7th graders through seniors.

Each session is from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on the following dates in the high school gym: 
• Tuesday, March 2  
• Thursday, March 4
• Tuesday, March 9
• Thursday, March 11

The sessions are for students to learn the fundamentals of spinning and being part of a mini performance. This free event requires no previous no color guard experience.

Interested students may sign up on the Ada HS band room room sign-up sheet.

Here's the updated area students on ONU dean's list

Note: This replaces a list posted last week and is a corrected list from that story.

The following students from Hardin County, Bluffton and Cory-Rawson were named to the Dean’s List for fall semester 2020-21 at Ohio Northern University. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student must attain a grade point average of 3.5 or higher and be enrolled full time.

Answering those taxing questions

ONU’s VITA program offering socially distanced income tax filing assistance

Ohio Northern University’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is again offering free, socially distanced income tax preparation for community members who make $57,000 or less annually.

In turn, this service enables ONU’s Dicke College of Business Administration students to receive practical training with tax preparation software and interpersonal communication, and to become IRS-certified to help prepare basic and intermediate tax returns.

Students also gain experience in identifying and helping clients claim special credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit and Credit for the Elderly, which can significantly influence filing outcomes. 

Sunset on snowy marsh

Ken Collins shares this photo with Icon viewers. It a winter scene approaching sunset over the snowy Great Scioto Marsh, south of McGuffey.

Icon book review: How about a little romance for Feb. 14th?

A romance is the background to a splendid tutorial on Egyptology, tombs and hieroglyphics

Reviewed by Robert McCool
How about a little romance for Feb. 14th?

In #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Jodi Picoult’s latest novel, the book of two ways (Ballentine Books, Isbn 978-1-4328-8334-8), romance is the background to a splendid tutorial on Egyptology, tombs, and hieroglyphics. With four pages of reference materials at the finish you can immerse yourself in a time far past knowing the details of that time are accurate and made simple for us to understand.
