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Ada's latest news

Sooner than you think

By the end of May this will be an all-too-familiar bucket. Maybe Ada's favorite bucket. You'll find it at the Ada pool, slated to open later this month.

Sign-up underway for kid's summer lunch program

Beatitudes hosts program from June 1 to July 27

Beatitudes will once again host a kid’s summer lunch program, according to Deb Curlis.

The program will begin June 1 and will continue through July 27. Meal pick-ups are each Tuesday from noon to 4 p.m. at Beatitudes, 210 N. Main St., Ada.

To sign up youth for the program call 419-788-9459.

Street paving program begins soon

Here's the list of this year's projects • Map at bottom of story

The Village of Ada announced its 2021 village paving program. According to Jami Hall, village administrator, the program will begin soon.

The streets included in the paving are:
• E. Buckeye Ave. (N. Main St. to N. Johnson St.)
• N. Johnson St. (E. North Ave. to E. Highland Ave.)
• Willow Parkway (North of Dynarex drive to E. North Ave.)

The paving will include some driveway approaches for the streets being paved.

Fall Prevention

Simple Tips to Stay Independent

Whether you choose to stay at home or start to resume a “normal” life since the start of the pandemic, one thing seniors should be aware of is their fall risk while at home and while out-and-about. Measuring your fall risk is more than thinking about physical abilities, age and medical conditions. You should also consider the following, which all increase your risk for falls.

How is your vision? Consider visual field loss, age-related changes, depth perception, as well as diagnosed conditions, such as macular degeneration or diabetic retinopathy. Also, consider how frequently you wear prescription glasses.

McGuffey Memories group meets May 17

A McGuffey history organization will meet at 6:30 p.m., Monday, May 17, at the Freewill Baptist Church, 205 Courtright St., McGuffey.

“The name of our organization is McGuffey Memories for now and we meet monthly. We also have special meetings, as well,” said Marianna Watts, of the group. Persons may contact her at 502-552-0231 for more information.

This year McGuffey celebrating 125 years of becoming a village.  “We are planning fundraisers for events this summer and fall to celebrate,” she said. 

“We are still creating a mission statement, but our goal is to keep the history of McGuffey alive and well. We want the younger generation to know their history.

Simon Says top four winners

FROM ADA BULLDOGS FACEBOOK - We won't try to explain how the competition works; we think you already know. Here's the top four finishers in the high school Simon Says competition held last week: Cami, Olivia, Jacob and Kadin.
