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Emily Richards wins DIII national title in the 800-meter run

By Ashley Birchmeier

Sophomore Emily Richards earned her first NCAA title on Saturday in impressive fashion as she won the 800-meter run on the final day of the NCAA Division III Outdoor Track and Field Championships at Walston-Hoover Stadium.

Richards won the event with a new stadium record time of 2:05.88, earning her first national title accolade and second All-American honor.

NCPA chapter receives Dennis Ludwig Memorial Scholarship

The Ohio Northern University Raabe College of Pharmacy chapter of the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) received the Dennis Ludwig Memorial Scholarship in Government Affairs for having the highest student attendance at the annual Congressional Pharmacy Summit in Washington, D.C. The award, given to help alleviate travel costs, was presented on Tuesday, May 24, 2016.

This year, ONU brought 15 students to the conference, which is a platform for hundreds of community pharmacists to visit the nation’s capital to advocate for community pharmacies and their patients. ONU tied with Auburn University for this year’s honor.

Hardin County dairy beef feeder queen contest now open

The Hardin County Dairy Beef Feeder queen contest in open to all girls 14 years and older (as of Jan. 1), who are currently enrolled in 4-H or FFA with a dairy beef (feeder or steer) project. 

To be eligible to compete, a member must fill out the application, complete the essay and participate in an interview.  Applicants will also be given a test over breeds, body parts, and general questions that pertain to the project.

The winner will represent the dairy beef feeder youth and also be recognized at the crowning of the Hardin County Fair King and Queen Ceremony in front of the grandstand at the fair. 

St. Mark's Lutheran VBS June 6-10 is "farm-tastic!"

St. Mark's Lutheran Church, 125 Johnson St., Ada, will hold its summer Vacation Bible School Monday through Friday, June 6-10 at the church. VBS takes place from 9 a.m. to noon each day.

This year's theme is "Barnyard Roundup." Registration is open to ages preschool through sixth grade

Ada Kiwanis members tour Pierstorf Pharmacy Museum

Bob McCurdy gave Ada Kiwanis Club members a guided tour of the Pierstorf Pharmacy Museum, located in the College of Pharmacy on the ONU campus on May 31.

The museum was donated by Dr. Clarence H. Pierstorf and Dr. and Mrs. Ervin W. Pierstorf and dedicated on Oct. 13, 1995.

The historical museum is located on the first floor of the Pierstorf Annex on the east side of the college.

Unique to the university and most other colleges of pharmacy in the nation, the museum includes memorabilia that reflects the profession's rich heritage.

And the trophy goes to the school staff

The annual Crosstown Softball Championships pitted the school staff against the safety services last week at the Ada diamonds.

School staff celebrated a 33 to 7 win in softball. Pictured are (from left) Robin VanBuskirk, school; Gayle Gillham, EMT; Andrew Peterman, police; Jeremy Sleesman, fire. (Monty Siekerman photo)
