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Ada's latest news

A young Ada youth


Here's a young Ada boy probably dressed for his first-ever photograph. This photo was taken by M.V. Gilbert "artistic photographs" Ada, Ohio, 1882. Sorry to say, the youth is not identified.

Do you have an old Ada photo? Send us a copy. We'll print it. [email protected]

Sealed bids will be opened May 14

Summer is on its way. The village of Ada is accepting bids for at least one summer project.

Sealed bids for lime sludge removal and disposal street maintenance program are now being accepted by the Village of Ada, according to James Meyer, village administrator.

The notice to prospective bidders went out April 12. Bids will be opened at noon, Monday, May 14. 


Tulipmania in Ada

Stop and smell the tulips at the fountain in front of McIntosh Center on the ONU campus.

April ONU calendar now on The Icon

The April activities calendar for Ohio Northern University is now available to Icon viewers. Click here to see the calendar.

15 minutes with David Dellifield

You graduated from Allen-East, where your dad was (is?) the band director. I assume you played at least one musical instrument -- what did you play? Did your dad teach you? Was it tough having your dad as the director? 

Dr. Lawrence Kuk among speakers at April 21 heroin issues seminar

The Ohio Northern University Department of History, Politics and Justice, in conjunction with the ONU Public Interest Law Association, will host a seminar focusing on heroin issues on Saturday, April 21.

The event, a part of ONU’s Civil Engagement Series, will begin at 8:30 a.m. in ONU’s Pettit College of Law. The event is free and open to the public. Lunch will be provided.

Dr. Lawrence Kuk, Hardin County coroner, physician at Ada Area Family Practice and ONU student physician, and Hardin County Sheriff Keith Everhart will discuss Hardin County’s heroin issues.
