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Ada's latest news

Apollo Tyres to acquire Cooper Tire and Rubber Co.


Combination Creates World’s Seventh-Largest Tire Company with $6.6 Billion in Revenue

Ada history on a 1915 postcard


Sometimes history is written on a postcard. Here's an example. Postmarked June 7, 1915, is a post card from Elizabeth, who is apparently a student at Ohio Northern University. The message follows:


Mr. Chas. Conkle
Howard, Ohio
Knox, Co.,

This is the interior of new Lehr auditorium taken from platform. Wish you many more pleasant and happy birthdays. With Love, Elizabeth.

How is grpa? Will write letter soon. Will be a junior next year.

(Post card from the collection of Leland Crouse)

Research article by ONU chemistry professor receives national attention

Brian Myers, Ohio Northern University associate professor of chemistry, has co-written an article, “Profiles in Chemistry: A Historical Perspective on the National Organic Symposium,” which will be featured in the June issue of The Journal of Organic Chemistry.

ONU grads are everywhere!

Okay, you wonder what this photo has to do with Ada. The photo was taken on Interstate 64 in Virginia on Monday. Focus on the license plate, which is a Virginia plate, then click here for the story behind the photo and for a close up of the plate.

While cruising in the Appalachians

You may wonder why this photo is on the Ada Icon. Every photo has a story. Here's the story behind this photo, and, yes, there's an Ada connection.

The Icon owners were on vacation last week. While returning to northwestern Ohio after a week in Georgia, this black Cadillac passed The Icon cruiser somewhere on Interstate 64  while in the Allegeny Mountains of Virginia close to the West Virginia state line. (Check out the panoramic photo. It shows a sign stating "Callaghan, Virginia.")

VBS continues at St. Mark's Lutheran Church

Vacation Bible School continues through Friday at St. Mark Lutheran Church in Ada.

Here's an update on activities:
• On Monday, we heard about the Mountain of Moses and the 10 Commandments. We had crafts. There is a sandbox there. Even though it rained, there was plenty of helpers and places to play and do craft projects.
• Tuesday, Elijah is on the Mount Carmel with the Baal gods!
• Wednesday is Mount Transfiguration Day.
• Thursday is the Golgotha Mountaint where Jesus was crucified.
• Friday, is the Mountain where Jesus gives us all the “Great Commission.”
