The Ada Exempted board of education has opening for a board member due to the resignation of Ms. Nancy Wood Allison for reasons of change of residency. Ms. Wood Allison’s resignation will be effective July 20.
The board will accept letters of interest from anyone wishing to be considered for the seat. The term will expire on Dec. 31, 2019, at which time a two-year unexpired term will be available during the November 2019 election. That term will begin in January of 2020.
By August 1 letters of interest, resumes and other related documents by may be directed to:
Ms. Gigi Fetter, Executive Assistant
Ada Exempted Village Schools
725 West North Ave.
Ada, Ohio 45810
The school board will hold two special board meetings, the first for reviewing letters of interest and scheduling interviews and the second for interviewing candidates for the board.
Those meetings will be held at 5:30 p.m. on August 2 and 9. The Board will appoint the selected candidate at the August regular meeting at 6 p.m. on August 16.
Questions may be directed to Superintendent Meri Skilliter at (419) 634-6421, or emailed to her at [email protected].