By Monty Siekerman
The Afghanistan Ambassador to the United States, Hamdullah Mohib, met with 10 students from his country while at Ohio Northern Thursday.
The students are here for an advanced law degree, the LLM, which they will receive in May. Later that evening, the Ambassador addressed a general meeting at the law school which was open to the public. He discussed the current state of Afghan-U.S. relations.
Prof. Howard Fenton has administered ONU’s LLM in Democratic Governance and Rule of Law program since its inception here 13 years ago. After this year’s commencement, 30 students from Afghanistan will have received the LLM from ONU.
This year the State Department funded program includes 25 students from several nations. After returning home, most graduates will be involved in government or teach law.
Photo: Ambassador Mohib, Prof. Fenton, Abdulbasir Ahmadi, and Negina Khalili.