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Ada's latest news

Hey, kids! ReStore's kid's Christmas shopping spree is Dec. 7...Santa will be there

There’s a kids’ Christmas shopping spree at ReStore Community Center, 210 N. Main St., on Saturday, Dec. 7, according to LeAnn Pryor, executive director.

From 10 a.m. to noon youth receive one ticket per family member: each ticket is good for one free gift. And, Santa will be at ReStore during the shopping spree.

Several other events are happening this month.

It's "Merry on Main"

Members of the Ada High School choir performed Christmas carols in front of the Ada depot on Monday during the "Merry on Main" celebration that kicked off turning on the lights in the Depot Park. Click for a video.

Interim reports go home with Ada students Dec. 6

December is a busy month at the Ada schools. Here's a sampling of events from today's Ada school website.

December 6 – Interim Reports sent home with all students
December 9 – Fall Sports Awards – 7 p.m. in K-12 Gym
December 17 – Geography Bee – 9:20 a.m. in Auditorium
December 18 and 19 – First Semester Exams
December 23 through January 5 – Holiday Break
January 6 – School classes resume

Here's what happening this week in Hardin County

RSVP for Christmas Luncheon
The Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance will be hosting it’s Christmas Luncheon at 11:30am on December 12 at the Hardin County Armory, 128 N. Main St., Kenton. The lunch will be catered by the Plaza Inn Catering. The cost is $14 per person. Entertainment will be provided by Kenton Middle School’s Dimensions show choir. A Chinese Auction will also be held. If you would like to donate an item to the Chinese Auction and make reservations, please call the Alliance at 419.673.4131 by December 6.

Jim Meyer updates Ada Kiwanis members on East Lima Street projecty

President Heather Cox called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon on Tuesday November 26th at McIntosh Center, Ohio Northern University, Ada.
The invocation was offered by Jon Umphress.

Ada Village Administrator Jim Meyer was welcomed as a guest.

Christmas: Birth of a New Hope presented Dec. 15 at Ada Church of Christ

Ada Church of Christ, 316 S. Main St., will present "Christmas: Birth of a New Hope," from 6 to 8 p.m., Sunday, Dec. 15, at the church. The presentation is written by Jacob Reel.

The performance will be narrated by Reel and singers will be "Jericho Road," "One Voice," Ken Zeigler, Marlene Vance and Rachel Scott. 

The performance is open to the public.
