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Woman Wise grant provides free screening mammograms and genetic counseling

Bluffton Hospital is one location for free screenings

Woman Wise Mammography of Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS) received a grant from the Northwest Ohio Affiliate of Susan G. Komen, to offer free mammograms and genetic counseling for hereditary breast cancer to qualifying low and middle-income women and men living within Susan G. Komen’s 24-county service area in Northwest Ohio.

Free mammograms will also be available in Bluffton and Ottawa. This one-year grant will take effect on May 1, 2017.

The Armes Family Cancer Center along with Woman Wise will be providing these services. With expanding services the current grant Hancock County Mammography Screening Initiative has been renamed Northwest Ohio Breast Health Project.

In order to be eligible for a free mammogram individuals must meet the criteria below:

•  Household income must be no more than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines as determined by the income of any adult living in the home and contributing to household expenses.

•  Private health insurance with a significant individual deductible or no health insurance.

•  Female/male between ages 40 and 64.

•  If below age 40, must be at high risk and have a physician’s order.

Eligibility will be determined by Woman Wise staff members. Please call 419.425.3267 to learn more.

In order to be eligible for free genetic counseling individuals must meet the criteria below:

•  Household income of no more than 300% of the federal poverty guidelines as determined by the income of any adult living in the home and contributing to household expenses.

•  Uninsured or having an insurance carrier that is out-of-network with InformedDNA.

•  Meets screening guidelines for genetic counseling for hereditary breast cancer.

Eligibility must be determined through a discussion with a BVHS oncology patient navigator. Call 419.420.8473 to speak with an oncology patient navigator to determine if you qualify.

Genetic counseling through BVHS is provided by InformedDNA, a phone-based genetic counseling company. Genetic counselors from InformedDNA are experts in hereditary cancer and will help you understand whether the cancer in your family is hereditary and what you can do.

Early detection is key for survival. Susan G. Komen recommends women have a mammogram every year beginning at age 40 and a clinical breast exam at least every three years starting at age 20, and every year starting at age 40.
