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"Triple conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and Mars" coming to a sky near you on Oct. 28

October, November and December night time skies are worth watching. Here's an update on what's up from the Ohio Northern University Astronomy Observatory. Three of these e events are programs at the observatory open to the public.

On the morning of Wednesday, Oct. 28, there will be a triple conjunction of Venus, Jupiter and Mars in the eastern sky. The three planets will form a tight, 1-degree triangle. There will be no observatory event for this, but it is an easy event to enjoy with the naked eye.

Friday, Oct. 30, 8-10 pm. - Public Event.  "Halloween and the Moon." The full moon falls on Tuesday, Oct. 27, but it will still be bright The Taurid meteor shower peaks on the night of Nov 5-6.

Friday, Nov. 13, 8-10 pm. - Public Event. "What we learned of Pluto." The Leonid meteor shower peaks on the night of Nov 17-18.

Friday, Dec. 11,  8-10 pm. - Public Event.  "The Geminid Meteor Shower." The Geminid meteor shower peaks on the night of Dec 13. 
