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OAC names ONU senior as 2015 Distinguished Undergraduate Student

Ohio Northern University senior Hannah Peterson, a public relations major and communication studies and social media minor from Milford, Ohio, was recognized as the 2015 Distinguished Undergraduate Student at the annual Ohio Communications Association (OCA) Conference at the University of Dayton on Oct. 2.

Peterson was chosen for her outstanding service and commitment throughout her undergraduate studies and her demonstrated excellence in academics, student organizations and professional work.

Peterson said, “I think I'm most excited to celebrate this accomplishment with Dr. Aggie (Alisa Aggozzino). I am very honored, but I am mostly grateful for the incredible support system behind me. The professors who contributed to this nomination process believe in me more than I believe in myself, and that’s really amazing.”

Peterson is involved in various organizations on campus, holding leadership roles in each. She has served as secretary and national assembly delegate for the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA); she currently is serving her second term as the group’s president. She received the PRSSA Outstanding New Member Award after showing promise and was named Outstanding Chapter Member for her commitment to the overall success of the organization.

With the nationally affiliated student-run firm True North, Peterson has worked on projects for various clients. Her Bateman Case Study Competition team received honorable mention for the national client FISERV. She served as an event coordinator for the ONU Student Planning Committee and is currently the group’s vice president of external affairs. A sister of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, Peterson was the social chair and is currently serving her second term as the historian/chapter reporter. She is a member of ONU Mortar Board, is a member and president of Lambda Pi Eta, and has been on the dean’s list four consecutive semesters.

In addition to schoolwork and leadership roles, Peterson works as a public relations intern for Cristofoli-Keeling Inc., marketing intern for ONU’s Office of Communications and Marketing, assistant for ONU’s Office of Alumni Relations, and social media intern for ONU Dining Services. Previously, she was a featured blogger for the International Studies Abroad’s (ISA) top-ranked travel blog during her study-abroad experience in Ireland and a special events intern at All Occasions Catering and Banquet Facility in Waldo, Ohio.

OCA is an organization where communication students, professionals and scholars work together to promote common goals and showcase achievements in disciplines of academics, student organizations and professional work. OCA’s annual conference hosts workshops and lectures, along with student and professional awards presentations.