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Rev. Allen, Ada Presbyterian pastor, Kiwanis Club speaker

President Myrna McCurdy called the weekly meeting of the Ada Kiwanis Club to order at 12:00 noon on Tuesday September 3rd at McIntosh Center, ONU.

Jon Umphress offered the invocation.

The following guests were introduced: Patrick Allen. Allie Puntel, Katie Lorson and Elizabeth McKinney.

The birthday of Marilyn Green (September 7th) was noted.
In business:

-Members heard an updated financial report from Treasurer Bryan Marshall.
-Secretary Brian Myers reported that the Distinguished Club paperwork has been filed.

-Jeff Schulman reported that the satellite club met last week with Bill Fuller and a few others. They are pursuing pediatric boards for the EMT units and they are exploring the BUGS program as well. The Satellite Club will meet tomorrow at the Community Health Professionals Building at 6:00 p.m.

-President McCurdy personally thanked Sharon MacKenzie, Brain Myers, Jon Umphress, Jeff Schulman, Charles Van Dyne, Heather Cox, Marilyn Green and Bryan Marshall for their work in the Basket Room at the Ohio District Convention. A special thank you for Sharon MacKenzie for taking over the responsibility for the Ada club. 

-The next Division 2 Council Meeting is Tuesday, September 17 at the Briarwood Village Community Room in Coldwater. The social hour will be at 6:00 pm and dinner at 6:30 pm. Our own Jeffrey Schulman will be receiving the Lt. Gov. Banner to the Ada club.

-Membership dues are due now. Send checks to club treasurer Bryan Marshall.

-The membership discussed the annual Spaghetti Dinner. It will be held at the Ada High School cafeteria on Friday evening October 18th. Tickets will be available next week at the meeting.

-The club will participate in the annual Harvest and Herb Festival parade.

-Details on the club’s annual Halloween parade are now being considered.
-The annual Installation of officers luncheon is set September 24, at 12:00. Heather Cox will become the club’s 90th annual president.

-Amanda Bennett reported that the reading program that the club supported was a tremendous success with 54 children participating. Over 1,200 visits were made to the library this summer.

-ONU Circle K reported that they held a recruitment and welcome event.

-Kiwanis Education Minute: The Kiwanis Foundation has grants for Service Learning Programs and also supports K-Kids, Builder’s Club, Key Club International, Circle K International, and the Action Club. 

-Something to Consider: From “Live and Love and Pass it on” from someone aged 11. “I’ve learned that if you want to get even with someone at camp, you rub their underwear in poison ivy. And from someone aged 93, “I’ve learned that I still have a lot to learn.”

-Upcoming meetings/Events
-Sept.10 Bruce Neely
-Sept. 17 Sandy Neely
-Sept. 17 Division meeting in Coldwater at 6pm
-Sept. 24 Installation of Officers regular noon meeting time
-Oct. 1 Myrna McCurdy
-Oct. 8 Charles Van Dyne
-Oct. 15 Jon Umphress
-Oct. 15 Crock Pot Tues. ReStore
-Oct. 18 Spaghetti Dinner at Ada Schools

Tom Kier introduced the Rev. Patrick Allen who is the Pastor of the Ada Presbyterian Church. He has served as the Pastor of the Church for about 16 years.

He was asked to give an update on some of the upcoming changes to the church.

He started by explaining that the Presbyterian Church is a denomination of the Christian church that emphasizes the fact that the Church is run/ruled by elders.

He then explained a little about the history of the Presbyterian Church and its origin including John Calvin and how the Ada Church was started and some of the history of the building that was constructed in 1890.

The church membership peaked with about 420 members in the middle to late 1920’s.
In recent years, the Presbyterian Church has changed some of the governing documents, and in 2011, a large meeting was held with about 2,000 Church pastors and some restructuring took place at that time and after looking at some options and after significant discussion, prayer, and thought the Ada Church aligned with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC).

For more information see or the
The Ada Kiwanis Club meets each Tuesday at 12:00 in McIntosh Center, ONU. Guests are always welcome.               

Visit the club’s web site at
