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Ada's latest news

Who is the man in the statue?

Have you ever wondered whose statue it is on the ONU campus, just off Main Street? It's Dr. Henry Solomon Lehr, founder of what is today Ohio Northern Unversity. The statue was erected in 2007. For some background of this famous Ada resident read the feature by Icon intern Sarah Bender by clicking here.

Craft night at the Cloverbuds 4-H Club

Earlier this month the Ada Icon posted a story on Kim Light and the Cloverbud 4-H Club.


Last week the Icon attended a Cloverbud meeting. It was craft night. Members created robots and coasters.

We’ve taken the opportunity to reprint the story in this photo scrapbook. The story is at the end of the feature. The story is by Darlene Bowers. The photos are by Bailey Bowers.

Add the 101st Farmers' and Merchants' Picnic to your August calendar

Here's a quick glance at the upcoming 101st annual Ada Farmers' and Merchants Picnic.

The event is Friday, Aug. 8, and Saturday, Aug. 9, at War Memorial Park, Ada.

Friday evening, will be the brush truck and tractor pulls, and Saturday at 6:30 p.m. is the OSTPA Truck and Tractor Pulls.

Three concerts will be held at Party in the Back 40 with Nashville Crush on Friday night at 8:30 p.m., Saturday at 2 p.m. is Somebody's Kids and at 7:30 p.m. is The Hypnotix.

Saturday is OWHA Horse Show, parade, greased pig contest, live entertainments, kiddie tractor pull, chain saw carving and much more. 

Remember the Lincoln Highway Buy-Way Yard Sale is coming

Want some quick info about the Lincoln Highway Buy-Way Yard Sale?

The Yard Sale will start on Thursday, Aug. 7, and run through Saturday, Aug, 9, on Old Route 30.
For more information, call 419-468-6773 or visit In Ada, contact the village office to be added to the yard sale master list.


The story behind the man depicted in the statue on the ONU campus

By Sarah Bender, Icon intern

Located between the Dicke building of business and the Hill building, home to the social sciences, stands the statue of a man who founded Ohio Northern University and who helped to develop the town of Ada.

It is Dr. Henry Solomon Lehr.

The statue shows Lehr pondering, standing at the head of campus and facing the town. His nature and location epitomize Lehr’s nature as a progressive academic, interested in the needs of students.

Aug. 4 Hardin crop walk focus on fruit and veggie production

What is that bug in my vegetable garden?  Why do my plants have brown spots on the leaves?  Why are my tomatoes cracking after they looked good? 

Hardin County OSU Extension is sponsoring a Crop Walk program on Monday, Aug. 4, from 6-8:30 pm. The program will include an emphasis on fruit and vegetable production. The location of the program will be 15237 County Road 209, Kenton.

OSU Extension Horticulturist Brad Bergefurd will be giving recommendations on plant nutrition and soil fertility. Dr. Sally Miller, plant pathologist from the OSU Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, will be discussing plant disease problems common with fruits and vegetables.
