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Ada's latest news

Somewhere in Ada

So, you think you know Ada? Okay, where will you find this scene? Click here for the answer.

High-level painting on Main Street

Some high-level painting is underway on Ada's Main Street this week. The top of the building that houses Beacon Realty,  208 N. Main St., is getting a new coat of paint. In our photo shoot, the Icon had difficulty trying to chose which view to post. 

So, in this story, we've posted four different views. We'll let the viewers decide which photo they like the best.

Grindell Masonry, Kenton, is the contractor for the job.


Here's Mustard Seed Cafe, Bluffton, weekend features

In addition to Mustard Seed’s Cafe, Bluffton, regular menu on Friday and Saturday nights, the following features are available this weekend:

Dinner: White fish with rhubarb compote and crème over couscous with fresh mint and almonds

Filet mignon with cabernet crème and smoked gouda over fettuccini

Light plate: Fromage with roasted beet, arugula and baguette

Dessert: Red velvet cake with coconut crème cheese frosting and a dark chocolate ganache

Ada moves to four kindergarten classes; will hire new 5th grade teacher; new class lists posted here

Ada schools announced some elementary class realignments. The announcement was made on the school website tonight.

The annoucement follows:

In an effort to maintain student/teacher ratios at a level that is in line with our beliefs, we are pleased to announce the addition of a fourth kindergarten teacher.

Mrs. Stuart will be moving from 4th grade to kindergarten, Mrs. Reiman will be moving to 4th grade ELA/SS and we will be hiring a new 5th grade teacher.  Updated class lists are listed below.

CLICK HERE for the updated elementary class lists.

Recent heavy rains: Clear storm sewer systems mean efficient storm water movement

Village Voice, provide by Village of Ada

The rainstorms we experienced earlier this week left us all with a little education in the importance of storm sewer systems.

Overall, the Village’s storm sewer system performed quite well during the storms, especially given the amount of rain that came down in a short amount of time.

Some areas of our community received 3-4 inches of water in just a matter of minutes, which is far from the normal rainfall we would expect. While some of our streets had water, the storm sewer system was clear enough to allow that water to recede rather quickly.

Records go out the window when the alums face the varsity

Ada's competitive spirit never ends.

Just mention soccer, as an example. With fall 2014 high school athletic practices in full gear, it naturally follows that it's time for an alums-versus-varsity competition.

Bailey Bowers attended the two afore-mentioned soccer games involving Ada boys' versus alumni, and Ada girls' versus alumnae. Here's some shots from those games. 


• Sophomore Kaitlyn Long runs alongside 2014 AHS graduate Annabel Pinkney.

• Freshman Nathan Allen (in white) and 2009 AHS Grad Ben Garmon (in blue) battle for the ball while freshman Terry Sheridan (far left) looks on.
