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Ada's latest news

Vancrest of Ada will employ 75 to 85 persons; should be completed by December

By Monty Siekerman
The $6 million Vancrest of Ada nursing home that is now under construction will probably be completed by December, according to Mark A. White, president, Vancrest Management Corp.

The 56,000-square-foot facility will have 50 beds for skilled nursing care and 32 assisted living units within the main facility. Rehab services will be available when it opens. Vancrest of Ada will employ 75 to 85 people.

Kenton Amateur Radio Club meets March 30

The Kenton Amateur Radio Club will meet on Monday March 30, at 6 p.m. at Henry’s Restaurant, Kenton. (Dinner is at 6 p.m. with the meeting beginning at 7 p.m.

Anyone interested in Amateur Radio is welcome to attend.

Lincoln Highway Assn. tours Van Wert courthouse March 17

The March meeting of the Western Ohio Chapter of the Lincoln Highway Association will take place on Tuesday, March 17.  Members and guests will dine at the Wild Hare BBQ, 903 W. Main St. in Van Wert at 6 p.m.  A short business meeting will follow. 

At 7 p.m, members and guests will tour the Van Wert County Courthouse at 121 E. Main St.  Built in 1876, the Courthouse is a Second Empire structure and in 1974 was designated Van Wert County's first entry on the National Register of Historic Places.  The public is invited.

For further information, please call (419) 203-5779 or (419) 296-5565.


"No, I am not a terrorist," lecture March 11 on Islamic tolerance

The Ohio Northern University Office of International Services presents speaker Zohra Sarwari in the McIntosh Ballroom on Wednesday, March 11, at 7 p.m. Sarwari’s speech is titled “No, I Am Not a Terrorist.”

The lecture, free and open to the public, will give members of the community the opportunity to learn a bit more about Islam, its relationship with terrorism, and diversity through the perspective of an Orthodox Muslim woman. 

Wow! Look at all those school events this month

Lots of events take place in March at Ada schools. Here's the current list, plus several announcements from the high school's website:

Mar 9th FCA meeting in Media Center 7:00 – 8:45 pm
Mar 9th Athletic Boosters meeting in cafeteria 7:30 pm
Mar 10th Music Boosters meeting in Media Center 6:30 pm
Mar 12th Hardin County HS Invitational Quiz Bowl 4:30 – 8:00 pm

Mar. 14th Ada Kiwanis Club’s 63rd Pancake & Sausage Day Cafeteria 7:00 am to 2:00 pm
Mar 18th 8th grade Washington DC Trip Parent meeting 6pm – 7pm in cafeteria

Here's where, who and what time the Bulldogs play this spring

Here's the Ada Junior High and High School spring sports schedule for all Bulldog sports.

Open the attachment at the bottom of this story for the schedules.

To also view the schedules by the month, The Icon now provides a sport calendar. Click here to view March sports events,
