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The day that the Easter Bunny arrived in Ada

We don't know who had the most fun - the sorority sisters who sponsored a Sunday afternoon egg hunt, or the participants.

More photos at bottom of story

Here's some views of the event:
Kappa Alpha Theta sisters greet the Easter Bunny during an Easter Egg hunt at War Memorial Park on a chilly but sunny Sunday afternoon.

Cristin St. Laurent shows son Jamarcus how to find goodies at the Easter Egg hunt. 

Dad Charles Lambert helps daughter Brianna and son Cooper at the Kappa Alpha Theta Easter Egg hunt.

Answering Ada's taxing questions

Robert Kobie, an auditor with the Central Collection Agency in Cleveland, helps residents prepare their village income tax returns.

The service was made available for four hours on Saturday at the railroad depot. The CCA in Cleveland helps the village with filing and payment of the local taxes, which are due April 15.
(Monty Siekerman)

St. Mark's Easter egg hunt Saturday 10 a.m.

The Easter Bunny makes a second visit to Ada this year.

Looking for a great free activity to do with your kids?  St. Mark's Lutheran Church invites youth to its free Easter Egg hunt at 10 a.m., Saturday, April 4, at the church.

Here's a scene from last year's egg hunt.

Yoga cool down

Twenty local children took part in ONU Health Day on Saturday at the pharmacy building where there were fun activities to encourage kids to live healthy lives. Here, Landon and Sophie Mosher, with Steven Cole, are doing a yoga cool down.
(Monty Siekerman)

ONU Gospel Ensemble spring concert April 12

The ONU Gospel Ensemble spring concert will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, April 12, in McIntosh Center. The performance is free and open to the public.

In addition, the Philippian Baptist Church Choir and the Toledo Youth Choir will do separate selections then join the ONU Ensemble for several joint selections. This will be the second year the three groups have performed together.

The Gospel Ensemble was formed 28 years ago, and performs on campus and in area churches to spread the Word of God in song.

Ada Lions mulch sale begins May 2

The annual Ada Lions Club mulch sale will begin Saturday, May 2, at Bass Trucking, 0410 State Route 81 just west of the village.

Mulch is sold from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. each Saturday in the spring.

Since its beginning in 2000, the club has donated $55,000 in sale profits to students for scholarships.

Black mulch costs $35 and brown costs $30 a scoop, which is about a cubic yard. The product can be picked up, or delivery in the Ada area is available for $10.
(Monty Siekerman)
