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ONU alumni create mural paying tribute to 1913 Columbus flood hero

Ohio Northern A&D alumni create mural that pays tribute to Franklinton’s history

Last week, a 5,000 square foot mural was unveiled that depicted one of Columbus, Ohio's, saddest moments in history—the flood of 1913.

Approximately 500 people died in the flood that occurred 102 years ago. But the mural wasn’t meant to depress, it was meant to illustrate how the citizens of that neighborhood rebuilt their community and overcame adversity, according to Andrew Adams (BFA/graphic design ’13), one of the designers behind its creation.

It's the season

Think Easter, think Spring. Deb Young (left) and Chelsea Boehm hold pansy bowls at New Leaf Garden Center. Pansies are nice inside for the holiday or can be planted outdoors. They thrive in cool temperatures in the spring and late fall. (Monty Siekerman)

FFA banquet honors award winners, installs new officers

By Chapter Reporter Kaitlyn Long
The annual Ada FFA banquet was held Thursday March 26th in the cafeteria at Ada High School.

During the meal, Morgan Roberts presented the annual slide show. The slide show was the highlight of the evening. It gave parents, as well as community members, a chance  to see what the FFA really does throughout the year.

Each year our chapter recognizes those who have helped the chapter in a special way.

That's 101 and a half!

About 125 people enjoyed an Easter dinner at ReStore on Tuesday evening, including Agnes Crates (left) and her friend Rachel Temple.

Now, if you ask Agnes her age, she quickly and proudly responds: "one hundred and one AND A HALF."

Yup, she up and about and happy with life, physically able and sharp as a tack.

(Monty Siekerman)

Green eggs and ham? (We couldn't resist)

Green eggs...naturally. Yes, chickens can lay blue and green eggs...not just for Easter but year-round.

Cheryl Geer has a variety of layers that produce a green egg a day. They are sold at Gus Guthrie's Ada Flea Market...check it out.

He has the traditional white and brown eggs, as well. Only two bucks a dozen.
(Monty Siekerman)

How much corn, soybeans and wheat is planted around Ada?

By Mark Badertscher
As Hardin County farmers prepare for another spring planting, crop yields from the 2014 growing season have been released from the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service.  Although these crop production numbers are based on estimates, they are used for crop insurance and government reporting purposes.

According to a recently released report, 98,000 acres of corn were planted with 95,000 acres harvested in the county in 2014.  The county average yield was 167.9 bushels per acre, compared to 172.3 bushels per acre in 2013. 
