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Nelsey Herbert: 1926-2015

Nelsy Herbert died April 29, 2015. She was born Jan. 9, 1926,  in Clarksburg, W.V. She was the only child of Delbert and Virginia Hovey, both deceased. She graduated from Clarksburg High School and attended Moore University of Art in Philadelphia, until she met and married Vernon D. Herbert, Jr.

They married on May 25, 1946, after Vernon completed a tour with the Army. Nelsy was a homemaker and mother.

Alger Farmers elect 2015 officers; next meeting May 25

By Jason Helton

The Alger Jr. Farmers 4-H Club held their 1st meeting on April 12th at 1:00 pm at the 235 Grill in Alger. The meeting was called to order by Cecily Preston and the pledge of Allegiance was led by Trevor Dotson followed by the 4-H Pledge led by Cecily Preston. Trevor Dotson gave the treasurers report from last years balance. The election of 2015 officers was held with the following elected:

President- Ross Thompson

Vice-President – Trevor Dotson

Secretary - Wyatt Daniels

Treasurer – Dylan Thompson

Reporter – Jason Helton

Health Officer – Grasean Evans, Alyssa Leonard

Ada Friends ends the year with a roar - at the zoo

The Ada Friends Mentorship Program at Ohio Northern University recently ended its year of activities with Ada Elementary School in an extraordinary way.  

In late April, more than half of the program participants took part in a trip to the Columbus Zoo where they viewed and learned about many exotic animals. 


More than just a green thumb

Harold Barker stands in his extensive garden of hundreds of spring bulbs which has provided passersby with a scene of beauty for more than 20 years. Currently, the 300-foot-long garden sports tulips and daffodils, which when finished, will give way to the blooms of many kinds of perennials. The colorful scene along the road at 3108 Klingler is one of several large gardens at the Barker home. Mr. Barker also collects and sells catalogs of many kinds, including garden catalogs, some of which date from the 1880s.

Klingler Road will be closed next week

Klingler Road will be closed next week when construction crews begin tearing out the old road in preparation for a complete rebuild of the road that borders the west side of campus.

And, it will be closed for ONU's three commencements, including the ceremonies for pharmacy in the morning and for undergraduates in the afternoon of May 10 and for law on the afternoon of May 17.

Completion date is Sept. 15.

The project includes a tear out of the present road, widening the road from 19 to 28 feet, installation of street lights, and construction of a sidewalk on the west side.

There will be curbing and storm sewer modifications, including a retention basin.

AHS students named NWC scholar-athletes

These Ada High School students have been named Northwest Conference scholar-athletes for the winter sports season. Scholar athletes are letter winners in a sport who have earned the following GPA during the season of their sport:

Gold level -- GPA of 3.50 to 4.00
Silver level -- GPA of 3.00 to 3/49  
