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Ada's latest news

Got mulch? I'll take a trailer load

Jerry Dearth and Beth Fenton shovel in a load of mulch at the Ada Lions Club mulch sale at Bass Trucking on State Route 81 west of town.

Club members have sold six semi loads of black and brown mulch so far this year and will continue the sale another two or three weeks. Mulch can be ordered by calling 419-302-5987 for delivery on Saturdays.

The sales area is open for pickup at 8 a.m. Saturdays until done. Delivery costs $10 in Ada and surrounding area or $20 a distance away.

This year the club gave out $6,100 in scholarships to nine Ada graduating seniors, and a total of $61,000 over the past 13 years. (Monty Siekerman)

Bear hug

A polar bear needs a hug on a warm (at last) summer day, so Anna Ibarra obliges. She and her brother, from Oxford, Mich., were at the ONU stadium on Saturday afternoon to play in National Premiere League soccer matches, which brought three teams to campus for a weekend of competition. Teams from Ohio and Michigan consisted of high schoolers age 15 to 18. (Monty Siekerman)

VW wins district baseball game played at ONU

Van Wert High School is at bat in a district final game Saturday afternoon held at ONU. The Van Wert Cougars defeated the Ottawa-Glandorf Titans 4 to 2 to advance to the regional semi finals. (Monty Siekerman)

Free bike helmets at bike rodeo May 30

Would you like a free bike helmet and maybe win a prize? The Ada Police Department will sponsor a bike rodeo for young children and youth to age 15 1/2 at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 30 in the municipal building parking lot behind the police station. Prizes will be awarded  and all participants will receive a free helmet.

Dr. Joe Baughman inducted into Ada Hall of Honors during alumni banquet

The Ada High School alumni banquet will be held Saturday evening, May 30, in the school cafeteria.

Tickets at $25 per person will be available while they last. Dr. Joe Baughman will be inducted into the Hall of Honors. Classes recognized will be from 1935, every five years, through last weekend's Class of 2015.

Alexis Amburgey will receive the alumni scholarship.

The evening will begin with a reception at 4 p.m. followed by dinner, catered by Henry's Restaurant, at 5:30 p.m. The program will start at 6:30 p.m.

Emmett McDaniels 1935-2015

Emmett K. McDaniels, 79, died on Sunday, May 24, 2015, at 11:09 p.m. at Lima Memorial Health System, Lima.

He was born on Aug. 12, 1935, in Magoffin County, Kentucky to Rubin and Solo (Rowe) McDaniels who preceded him in death. On Oct. 5, 1963 he married Phyllis Sexton and she died on March 13, 2004.

Emmett worked as a pipe fitter for the Union Hall #329.

He is survived by a daughter, Martha Juanita Cramer of Alger; two grandchildren: Justin Michael Cramer and Kellie Marie Cramer; three great grandchildren: Mariah, Serenity and Hayden.

He was preceded in death by four brothers: Lesley, Jess, Wesley and Glen Daniels; a sister Cora Alice McInis Espinoza.
