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Ada's latest news

Stop and smell the flowers

Ah, if only my flower garden looked this colorful. You'll find these flowers and lots more at New Leaf Lawn and Garden Center north of Ada.

11th Summer Academic and Honors Institute at ONU in June

This summer, Ohio Northern University will host its 11th Summer Academic and Honors Institute for gifted high school students who will be freshmen, sophomores, juniors or seniors in 2015-16.

This year’s institute includes 14 challenging courses scheduled over the month of June. Register by June 6.

Each weeklong course provides a great way to investigate potential career choices or college majors.

Plus, this is the perfect opportunity to interact with other gifted students with instruction provided by ONU professors and special guest lecturers.

Ada organizations recipients of Hardin County Community Foundation grants

Several Ada organizations benefitted from $191,000 given out in grants this year by the Hardin County Community Foundation.

Among the 155 organizations receiving money were:
• Ada Food Pantry, $900, July 4th picnic program;
• Ada Public Library, $1,000, summer reading program;
• Ada Safe Routes to Schools, $1,000, bike racks for Ada Schools;
• Ada Soccer Association, $1,500, soccer goal frames;
• ONU Student Society of Health Pharmacists, $500, AWARE program.

Summer reading kick-off Saturday - you won't want to miss it

Ready, set, start reading.

Ada Public Library opens its doors on Saturday for its summer reading kickoff, according to Amanda Bennett, director.

Activities take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and includes:
• Touch-a-truck (fire truck)
• 4-H animal exhibit
• Face painting
• Used book sale from the Friends of the Library

Sign-up for the summer reading program. Ages from birth to adults are encouraged. Lots of prizes will be awarded during the summer.

Look at the photos at the bottom of this story - for a sample of prizes.


Picture worth 1,000 books

Don't miss all the events at the Ada Public Library on Saturday as summer reading sign-up takes place.

2014 Ada Consumer Confidence Report now available

The 2014 Ada Consumer Confidence Report, also known as CCR, will be available to the general public on June 1, 2015.

Making the report available is an annual requirement for compliance with the Safe Drinking
Water Act for community water systems throughout the country. According to the U.S. EPA, the report “lists the regulated contaminants found in the drinking water… well as health effects information.”

The Village passes this information along to its consumers not just to comply with
the federal regulations, but also because the administration feels it is important for consumers to know where their drinking water comes from and what affects it.
