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Ada's latest news

ONU to honor veterans with wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery

Ohio Northern University will honor veterans of the U.S. Armed Services by participating in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery on Saturday, Aug. 1, at 12:15 p.m.

President Daniel A. DiBiasio, Athletic Director Tom Simmons, and student-athletes Kristina Klusek, a 2015 ONU graduate from Canton, Mich., and Jason Luthman, a senior mechanical engineering major from Bellbrook, Ohio, will represent ONU at the ceremony. 

Behind the scenes

You can't have a show choir without a stage crew. Earlier this week, The Icon watched several crew members create lollipops for use in this year's Varsity Singers' performances. From left, Cheyenne Wells, Allyson Fuqua, Olivia Guyton, Shelbey VanAtta, Alissa Schlachter and Mara Guyton.

Girls' tennis in 1996-97

It was 19 school years ago when this Ada High School girls' tennis team played matches. Names of players and coaches are under the photo. Sorry, no first names are provided. Icon views please help us out the names.

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Ada Music Booster patron drive continues - you still have a chance to be a patron

The annual membership drive for the Ada Music Boosters is continuing throughout the fall.  A flyer was mailed to all Ada households in June and the Boosters encourage residents to return it with a contribution toward this year’s fund-raising drive. 

With the help of the Ada community, the Music Boosters enhance music education and the performance-based programming for the Ada Exempted Village Schools. 

The Music Boosters purchase choir robes, band uniforms, instruments, music, Varsity Singer costumes, which support Ada’s state and regional award-winning winter guard, marching band and show choir. 

Preparing for community performance

The Ada Varsity Singer Show Choir's summer camp is underway this week. The choir will hold a community “kick off” performance at 6 p.m. Friday, July 17, in the Ada High School auditorium. Ada High School Band camp starts Monday, July 20.

54 million gallons of water fell on Ada in 30 minutes Tuesday

Ada officials figure that 54 million gallons of water fell inside the 2-mile square village limits on Tuesday. In a 30-minute period Ada experienced 1-½ inches of rain.

David Retterer, Ada mayor, reported that figure at Wednesday’s Community Improvement Corp. (CIC) meeting.

“A lot of people are calling the village about the rain. The projects we’ve handed in the past 20 years have enabled us to put in a lot of drainage,” he said, adding that without those project there would be lots of water with no where to go.

“Now we can get rid of water and we believe we are doing it responsibly,” he added.
