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Ada's latest news

Village Voice: Village ready to help during Lincoln Highway Buy Way

It’s Lincoln Highway Buy Way Time
Sale dates: Thursday-Friday-Saturday - Aug. 13-14-15

For 11 years, Ada CIC and the Ada Area Chamber of Commerce have continued to
sponsor the Lincoln Highway Buy –Way Yard Sale. This year is no different.

Ada is one community among many that choose to celebrate the historical Lincoln
Highway with the great Buy-Way.

Water come knocking

Water is knocking at the front door at this house on State Route 81 in Ada. Brice Pitney wades through the mess. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Twice as much rain Friday AM as Tuesday in Ada!

- More photos at bottom of story -

Photos and story by Monty Siekerman
You thought 54 million gallons of rain that fell on Ada on Tuesday was a lot, well, Friday morning brought TWICE that amount.


Another tropical-like deluge found near!y 3 inches of rain falling on the Village, or about 100 million gallons.

Converted to weight, that's 800 millions of pounds.

Pawsitive Attitudes 4-H Club: Marshall Benson's dog is second in obedience

Photo Caption:
Emily Brown, Vice President of the Pawsitive Attitudes 4-H Club, gave a very informative presentation on How To Be Your Dog's Pack Leader at their July meeting.

The Pawsitive Attitudes 4H Club held their third meeting Tuesday, July 7th at 6:30 pm at the Alger Public Library.  Member, Jonathan Osborne, led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance.  Photographer, Sam Brown, led the 4H Pledge. 

Village Voice: Fire hydrant flushing July 27-31

The Village of Ada Water and Streets Departments will be flushing water hydrants
throughout the Village in July. The project is currently scheduled to take place July 27
– 31, but may be extended if circumstances are warranted.

More information with be provided in the July 23 edition of the Village Voice.

Fresh-water shark spotted in Bluffton's Riley Creek

FROM BLUFFTON ICON - An Icon viewer confirmed rumors floating around that fresh-water sharks have, in fact, entered the Riley Creek stream system.

Earlier this week, the Icon obtained this photo sent by Tricia Burkholder from her cell phone with the proof.

"I spotted this on my way home from my mom's house. As we drove across the bridge by Buckeye Lake, we spotted a shark swimming in the Riley Creek," she informed the Icon.

Several unconfirmed sightings of large creatures with fins in the Riley have, up to this point, been poo-pooed.
