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Ada's latest news

There's something new at the Ada Public Library and you may access it from home

Check out the new website of the Ada Public Library.

Amanda Bennett, library director, told the Icon: “In an attempt to make our website more user friendly we've updated it! Play around with the tabs, explore; we hope you love the changes as much as we do!”

CLICK HERE to visit the new website

Library patrons will find separate tabs for:
• Catalog
• Events calendar
• Genealogy
• Library services
• Support your library
• About us

When you click “about us,” here’s what you’ll find:

Charles Van Dyne elected to Elks national office

Charles Van Dyne, a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, was elected to the office of Grand Esteemed Leading Knight during the 151st Grand Lodge session held in July in Indianapolis. He was among eight national officers elected for 2015-16 at the session.

Others elected were from Washington, Mississippi, New Mexico, Minnesota, Illinois, Delaware and Virginia.

Van Dyne, a member of the Kenton Elks Lodge #157, has received several honors from the Elks and has held several positions in the organization.

In 2013 the Ohio Elks Association named him the Elk of the Year.

F&M Picnic - it's here!

Here's a photo from last year's Farmers' and Merchants' Picnic. Bailey Bowers took this photo of Ada scouts with scoutmaster Tom Lehman saluting the American flag during the opening ceremony. Watch the Icon for lots of photos of this year's picnic.

They'll be vaulting on the Tundra Saturday

Saturday is a day to watch some top notch pole valuting in Ada.

Stephan R. Johnson, Ohio Northern University assistant track and field coach, pole vault, has created a "Vault on the Tundra," event. 

He says that is is going to be a great day for some fun, top notch pole vaulting here on ONU's campus. 

The schedule follows:
• 10 a.m.       High school girls
• 12:30 p.m.  High school boys
• 3 p.m.         Collegiate/open women
• 5:30 p.m.    Collegiate/open men

OHSAA will revise school enrollment counts for 2015-16

OHSAA to Revise School Enrollment Counts for 2015-16

Board of directors votes to withdraw community school and STEM school students and reconfigure tournament divisional assignments

Methodist VBS focus on Fruits of the Spirit

Ada First United Methodist Church joined forces with Sugar Grove United Methodist for VBS for the first time this year.

Here, Katie Sizemore gives a reading, (with a little help from VBS director Becky Bodey,) during the concluding night on Wednesday.

Thirty-five children attended on Wednesday. Fruits of the Spirit was this year's theme. (Monty Siekerman)
