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Ada's latest news

It's snowing in the library

There's no snow outside, but you'll find some in the Ada Public Library display case. The case offers patrons several views of Santa and Frosty.

Were you in the Auxiliary?

Were you a member of the Ada High School Auxiliary?

Here's the group during the 1999-2000 school year.

Ruth is ready for this weekend's Candy Cane Tour

Photo and story by Monty Siekerman
Ruth Roider sets a candy cane tree on the piano as she decorates her house for the Candy Cane Tour.

Ruth's two-story home, built about 1905, will feature a number of trees because she loves trees. However, only one tree will be lit.

Among the decorations found on trees will be one with 150 mice. She has collected the mice, inanimate ones, of course, since she was a child. When young, she would accompany her father, Karl, on ONU music tours of Europe. He was chair of the music department for many years.

Buy Ada First invites you to participate in its "25 Days of Christmas"

The Buy Ada First Committee in cooperation with the Hardin County Chamber & Business Alliance is in the midst of its 25 Days of Christmas program.

New floor on the way at ReStore

This floor needs to be replaced...and it will be.

ReStore Community Center will be closed from Dec. 17 and reopen on Jan. 5 with a new floor. The $15,000 project was supported by gifts. About $10,000 has been raised thus far from gifts and fundraisers. Inclined to give? Stop by with a donation. (Monty Siekerman)

ONU presents the ‘Gaudete: The It’s Not Quite Christmas Yet’ concert

The Ohio Northern University Department of Music presents “Gaudete: The It’s Not Quite Christmas Yet” concert, performed by the ONU wind and symphony orchestras, in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts on Saturday, Dec. 12, at 7:30 p.m.

The program begins with the ONU Wind Orchestra under the direction of Dr. Thomas Hunt. The group will present four pieces: Alfred Reed’s “Alleluia! Laudamus Te” and “Russian Christmas Music”; John Paynter’s arrangement of J.S. Bach’s “Toccata, Adagio and Fugue”; and Percy Grainger’s “The Sussex Mummers’ Christmas Carol.”
