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Ada Christmas village

The Icon Christmas Elf  became carried away with Photoshop as it played with this holiday scene from the Ada Public library posted last year. The Elf will probably create additional artistic winter scenes throughout the month. Using photojouralism ethics we must call this a photo illustration.

Feet for Fines at the Ada Public Library

Help us clothe the children of Hardin County again this year! And pay off your library fines*
while helping others!

1 pair of NEW kid’s shoes** = $5 worth of fines
1 pair NEW gloves = $5 worth of fines
1 NEW hat or scarf = $5 worth of fines
1 pair of NEW kid’s socks = $1 worth of fines
*Not eligible for lost book fees
**No flip flops, please

All of the collected items will be donated to Helping Hands, a Hardin County charity that will give the shoes and socks to local children in need.

Sponsored by ONU Women, in collaboration with The Friends of the Ada Public Library


Jeff Schulman speaks at Kiwanis Club

Jeff Schulman presented a program “A Memory, A Mystery, and A Connection,” to the Ada Kiwanis in the club's recent meeting.

Schuman shared how as a 10-year-old living in New York City, he often frequented the American Museum of Natural History and the Hayden Planetarium. He noted however that he loved the museum of Natural History more.

He was drawn to the dinosaurs and since there were only about 20 different types, he learned them all.

However, he always wondered what happened to them. Why did they all become extinct?

Meet Health Trends new owners from Forest

By Monty Siekerman
Meet the new owners of Health Trends, the Jolliff family from Forest. Bill and Heather are the parents of Logan, 8; Jason, 2, and William, Jr., 14.

They purchased the property and business, 123 E. Buckeye Ave., from Ursula Minich on Dec. 1.

The big red building contains a gym, tanning beds, laundry, and apartments.

In addition to a place to work out, the gym is an active place with kick boxing, Zumba, gymnastics, tap, ballet, hip hop, tumbling and yoga.

The hours will remain the same: Monday through Thursday, 9 to 9; Friday, 9 to 6; Saturday, 9 to 3.

Santa doesn't disappoint during Friday's ReStore visit

Story and photos by Monty Siekerman

Excitement was in the air as more than 40 people waited outside of ReStore for the doors to open at 5 p.m. on Friday for the arrival of Santa. And, Santa didn't disappoint. He sat in his chair, heard their wish list, and handed presents to each child.

In our photos:

On Santa's lap are Connor, Camden and Cole McKean. Then, elves helped children choose presents for their immediate family. With selections in hand, the kids then went to a table to have the presents wrapped. ReStore, with Santa's help, made a lot of youngsters happy that evening.

That Christmas feeling

How about adding a little Christmas feel to your house this month?

Shannon Brown, owner of Carol Slane Florist, is surrounded by big, beautiful poinsettias... surely, they speak of Christmas. (Monty Siekerman photo)
