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Ada's latest news

Bluffton University music professor featured in Jan. 11 ONU recital

The Ohio Northern University Department of Music will present pianist Lucia Unrau of the Bluffton University music department, and clarinetist Sandra Jackson of the Eastern Michigan music department, in recital at the Snyder Recital Hall in the Presser Building on Monday, Jan. 11, at 8 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day lecture focuses on ‘The Intersection of Religion and Social Justice’

To commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day at Ohio Northern University, professor Jonathon L. Walton will speak on “The Intersection of Religion and Social Justice” in the English Chapel on Tuesday, Jan. 19, at 7 p.m.

This event, sponsored by the ONU Office of Multicultural Development, is free and open to the public.

A social ethicist and scholar of American religions, Walton is the Plummer Professor of Christian Morals at Harvard University and Pusey Minister in Harvard’s Memorial Church. He is also a professor of religion and society on the faculty of divinity. Walton’s research addresses the intersections of religion, politics and media culture.

Ohio 3rd Court of Appeals to hear oral arguments at ONU

The Ohio 3rd District Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments in two cases in the Large Moot Court Room of Ohio Northern University’s Pettit College of Law on Tuesday, Jan. 12 at 10 a.m.

The oral arguments will be held before a three-judge panel consisting of Judges Stephen R. Shaw, Vernon L. Preston and John R. Willamowski. The court’s fourth judge is Richard M. Rogers. Rogers, Shaw and Willamowski are all Ohio Northern University law alumni.  

Winter finally arrives in Ada - time to get out the plow

Old Man Winter arrived in Ada on Jan. 10.  The old guy has a mean streak as he arrived the same day that all Ohio Northern Unviersity students were to return to campus.

Like it or not, he's here. Ken Collins drove around town and provided these views to prove that winter is finally in Ada.

Earlier in the day Hardin County Sheriff's Office announced a snow advisory. Another story on this page tells about a weather-related accident on State Route 235.


An Ada winter scene you've never seen

What's going on here?

That's correct. What's wrong with this picture. (We've asked this question before.)

This Main Street Ada photo - looking south at the Ada Theatre - represents winter...however....

Ken Collins took "both" photos and The Icon merged them into one. The right portion of the photo shows this Ada location on the first day of winter. You might remember it. You could have mowed your lawn that day.

The left portion of this photo shows this same Ada location on Jan. 10, or the first serious snowfall of the winter.

It's as if winter came in like a lamb and suddenly turned into a roaring beast.

Sunday accident briefly closes SR 235 north of Ada

Photos and story by Ken Collins

Hardin County is under a winter weather advisory.

The advisory is no fluke as it demonstrates the conditions of the road in this weather-related traffic accident north of Ada.

While rescue workers were on the scene, Ada-Liberty Township Fire blocked the northbound Route 235 at Hardin County Road 20, about two miles north of Ada.

The photo above looks to the north, with one addition photo in this series, below, is shot from the Liberty Baptist Church parking lot on County Road 20 just west of 235.
