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Ada's latest news

Happy 104th birthday, Naudean!

Naudean Amidon (right) will celebrate her 104th birthday on Friday. On her left is Agnes Crates, 102. The women played Bingo on Wednesday as they do each month at Community Health Professionals. Click here for a video of "Happy Birthday," sung to Naudean by her Bingo pals.

Someone you know is on the Ada honor roll

Here's the Ada school honor roll for the second nine-week grading period.

FOURTH GRADE ALL A:  Jackson Brown, Abid Khan, Autumn Andreasen, Olivia Burkhart, Dakota Gossman, Luke Limer, Ella Marshall and Josie Phillips

ONU's Super Bowl Countdown offers fan prep for the game

Have a Super Bowl question?

Ohio Northern University’s Super Bowl Countdown will provide football fans with lots of preparation in anticipation of this year’s game. The program, titled “ONU’s Super Bowl Countdown…Beyond the Broadcast,” is free and open to the public.

The Countdown is from noon to 1 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 4, in the McIntosh Center Activities Room.

Speakers include:
Dean Paul, ONU head football coach. He will discuss halftime and sideline adjustments anticipated in the game.

Please, don't eat the daffodils

A rodent in a Pennsylvania berg indicated this morning that North America is in for an early spring. That's good news unless you like to ski, skate, or own a lodge on a hill. However, a local golden retriever predicts just the opposite, as she saw her shadow in Railroad Park at sunrise, meaning we are in for more cold weather. For more on the story, click here. (Monty Siekerman photo)

Groundhog's Day in Ada and look what's coming up

By Monty Siekerman

A rodent in a Pennsylvania berg indicated this morning that North America is in for an early spring.

That's good news unless you like to ski, skate, or own a lodge on a hill.

However, a local golden retriever predicts just the opposite, as she saw her shadow in Railroad Park at sunrise, meaning we are in for more cold weather.

But the retriever, named Abby, is a pup and hasn't learned all there is to know about prognostication.

Annual Hardin Chamber-Business Alliance dinner at ONU Feb. 25

The annual dinner meeting and awards program of the Hardin County Chamber and Business Alliance is from 6 to 8:30 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 25, at McIntosh Center on the ONU campus.

"Join us for our annual dinner meeting and awards program to recognize our award winners for Citizen of the Year, Business of the Year and Community Service Awards," said Jon Cross of the Alliance. " In addition, we will talk about the positive actions from 2015 and looking forward to 2016"

Persons with questions regarding the event, sponsorships or would like to RSVP, contact the Alliance at 419-673-4131 or [email protected].  
