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March 2025

Bluffton Icon headlines for March 4

The following articles were posted on on Tuesday, March 4, 2025.

Letter: Bluffton Ohio Historical Society 2025 membership invitation

Standout Pirate boys basketball: 2018 victory vs. Crestview

Coffee College event tests taste expectations

Ohio crash fatalities report for 2024

March dinner meeting at Bluffton Senior Center

March 14 Fish Fry at Emmanuel UCC

Ada Icon headlines for March 3

February 2025 land transfers in the Ada Schools district

By Liz Gordon-Hancock

A single land transfer below took place in the Ada Exempted Village School District in February 2025 as reported on the website of the Hardin County, Ohio auditor Michael T. Bacon  and Hancock County, Ohio auditor Charity Rauschenberg.



Village offers S. Gilbert storm sewer updates by email

The Village of Ada sent the following notice on March 3 regarding email updates on the South Gilbert Storm Sewer Project.

Dear Village of Ada property owner,

Bulldog Vieira battles at girls district wrestling

By Cort Reynolds

FINDLAY__Ada High School sophomore Cheznie Vieira competed in the girls district wrestling tournament at Findlay on Sunday, March 2.

For her first match in the 16-girl bracket of the 120 lbs. division, Vieira lost a close 3-1 decision to Defiance Tinora junior Addilyn Delarber.

That loss dropped her into the consolation bracket, where at best she could finish third and still qualify for the state tournament March 7-9 with a top-four finish. 

In her first match in the consolation division, Vieira defeated Avon Lake freshman Bianca Craig with a 3-0 shutout decision victory. 

Village to hold March 18 meeting on voluntary landlord directory

RSVP requested to [email protected] or 419-634-4045 ext. 212.

From Ada Council President, Bob Simmons, March 3

We would like to cordially invite all landlords with properties in the Village of Ada to take part in a roundtable discussion. The Village of Ada would like to discuss setting up an internal voluntary Landlord Directory. We feel it is important and necessary that we get input from landlords who are operating rental properties in the Village of Ada about this idea.

Bluffton Icon headlines for March 3

The following articles were posted on on Monday, March 3, 2025.

Obituary for Michael John "Mike" Shelly

Village of Bluffton meetings updated for March 5-6

Popcorn Falls is spring play at Bluffton University, April 3-6

How long have you been a Bluffton Icon reader?

2025 Ride to Remember will offer commemorative cycling jersey

Ada School board to hold special meeting on March 6

A special meeting of the Ada Exempted Village Schools Board of Education has been scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 6.

The purpose of the meeting is facilities planning. No action will be taken.

An executive session for the purpose of employment is also on the agenda.

March 4 Council meeting includes 2025 street paving proposal

The Tuesday, March 4 regular meeting of the Village of Ada Council will take place at 6:30 p.m. at the Municipal Building, Council Chambers. 115 W Buckeye Ave.

To attend the meeting remotely follow the Zoom link HERE.

The meeting agenda and supporting materials are HERE.

Items to be presented to council include a proposal for the 2025 Street and Alley paving. The total estimated cost is $185,203.

Cost of Village storage building use is tied to electricity

By Paula Pyzik Scott

A recent Council item (page 14 of February 18 packet) creating an agreement for use of a storage building by Keith's Hardware had me scratching my head. Was there to be no rent charged for the building?

An email exchange with Village Administrator Jamie Hall has provided further explanation for the arrangement. As has been done with past tenants including the previous owner of the hardware store, Keith's Hardware will pay for electricity used in the Public Works building which includes lights, use of maintenance shop equipment (welder, drills, grinders, etc) along with trickle charge equipment for trucks and door openers. 

The December 2024 electricity bill was $374.50 and the size of the building used by Keith's Hardware is 80' x 60' (4,800 square feet).

Letter: Ada First UMC to celebrate 10-year building anniversary

Artifacts from prior churches sought for March 16 celebration

From Rev. Brandi Grant-Rigsby and Ada First UMC 10-Year Anniversary Planning Team 


“We are the church, you are the church. We are the church together!”

Can you believe it will soon be 10 years that we have been in our current church building? A decade of Sunday services, baptisms, weddings, memorial services, potlucks, meetings, missions, and Sunday school classes!

A little history—Methodism originated in Ada in 1852 with a few settlers who began a class meeting in an old school house on Main Street and Montfort Avenue. In 1861, the Methodists assisted the Presbyterians in building the old Presbyterian Church and they worshipped together!
