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Ada Schools accepting applications for open enrollment through May 9

The Ada Exempted Village School District has posted the following guidelines for inter-district open enrollment of students. See guidelines and application on the school website HERE.

The Ada Exempted Village Schools Board of Education shall permit the enrollment of students from other school districts in a school or program of this District, providing each enrollment is in accordance with laws and regulations of the State concerning Inter-District Open Enrollment, board policy, and the administrative guidelines established to implement the policy.

Open Enrollment Guidelines

1. Applications for inter-district transfer may be submitted to the Ada Superintendent’s Office from March 3, 2025, through May 9, 2025, at 4:00 p.m. Applications will be acted upon by 4:00 p.m. on May 23, 2025. Parents must indicate acceptance or transfer on or before 4:00 p.m. on July 1, 2025.

2. One application must be submitted for each student who requests an inter-district transfer. Copies of the application materials will be provided to the superintendent’s office of the student’s home school district.

3. Districts are not required to institute any special education programs to serve transfer students. If the student is evaluated for special education placement, representatives of the home district of residence shall be invited to participate in the placement meeting. Excess costs, if needed, will be charged back to the district of residence.

4. The Ada Exempted Village Schools may deny enrollment to students who have been suspended or expelled for ten (10) consecutive days in the current semester, or the semester immediately preceding.

5. The guidelines of the Ohio High School Athletic Association regarding transfers shall be in effect.

6. All approved transfers are in effect for the 2025-2026 school year only and may be discontinued at the discretion of the Ada Exempted Village Schools Board of Education in subsequent years.

7. The Ada Exempted Village School District will accept no responsibility for the transportation of students from other districts unless deemed practical by the administration. Parents/guardians are responsible for transporting students to designated pick-up points in the educating school district.

8. Applicants shall be considered on a first-come, first-served basis with an assurance that native students will not be displaced. All applications will be dated and time-stamped upon receipt in the superintendent’s office. A student participating in inter-district open enrollment from preceding years will be given priority over new applicants.

9. All credits earned by entering high school students will be accepted. However, once enrolled in the Ada Exempted Village School District, students will be required to meet all Ada High School graduation requirements, including passage of all parts of the proficiency test, in order to receive an Ada High School diploma.

10. Appropriate records of the program will be maintained to assure compliance with Ohio Law (OAC 3301-48-02). This information shall be shared with neighboring school districts, the state department of education, and the community at large via the annual report.

11. The program will be widely publicized through the local media and district newsletters.

12. The Superintendent has the authority to make modifications to the dates listed under item number one, if deemed necessary.
