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Dye and Deckling to snowmobile 1,000 miles in 24 hours

By Paula Pyzik Scott

Ada area residents Joshua Dye and Donnie Deckling will soon be heading to New Brunswick, Canada to take on the fourth annual 1,000 Mile Challenge, a March 3-9 snowmobile endurance event that helps send kids to summer camp.

Styling themselves as “Team Allison,” they share their purpose on the challenge website where readers can support their effort. Dye: “I’ve always wanted to do it. My wife has cancer and she said I have no choice, I have to go! I want to raise money for kids to go to camp and we’re doing it for my wife, Allison.” Deckling: “Because it’s a challenge.… And Joshua Dye is making me go!”

Snowmobilers are invited to achieve 1000 GPS miles in 24 hours or up to a week. Since 2021, the 1,000 Mile Challenge has raised over $250,000 to cover camp fees for kids in summer. At this time, 14 teams have registered for the 2024 event.

Coincidentally, the men will drive over 1,000 miles to reach the event. They are the first Americans participate in the challenge, which will be watched in over 10 countries with over 1 million fans. 

Canada through Camp Shiktehawk will be collecting all donations and distribution to the camps will happen through them. The 1,000 Mile Challenge Inc. is a registered non-profit run by a small team of volunteers in New Brunswick, Canada.



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