By Paula Scott
A summary report of unofficial results for the November 7, 2023 General Election has been reported by the Hardin County Board of Elections. Results for Ada mayor and council members, Ada Exempted Village school board members, Liberty Township trustee and fiscal officer and school and library levies are below.
In the race for Ada mayor, voters returned incumbent David Retter to office with 61.41% of the vote. Challenger Howard Fenton received 35.36% of the vote. A total of 1,018 votes were cast. (Voting details)
Two council incumbents, Sheila Coressel and Linda Mason, ran unopposed. A total of 1,324 votes were cast for council candidates.
In the seven-candidate race for three school board seats, voters elected incumbent Matt Gossman (17.11%), Justin Hollon (15.82%) and Troy Erickson (12.94%). See attached photo for additional voting details.
The Ada Exempted Village Schools (60.38%) and Ada Public Library (66.59%) tax levy renewals passed by wide margins.
Liberty township voters elected incumbent trustee Jeffrey A. Acheson with 57.02% of the vote. Challenger Ben Brite received 27.38 % of the vote. Patty Griffin was reelected as township fiscal officer. See voting details.
See board of elections graphics below. The entire summary report is available at