PHOTOS from Ada Public Library
The Ada Icon asked Ada Public Library director Rhett Grant for some background on the library levy renewal that will be presented to Ada voters on the November 7 general election ballot (see your ballot on the Hardin County Board of Elections page HERE).
A majority affirmative vote is required for passage of the tax levy renewal, which would take effect in 2025.
Icon: Why is this levy important for the Ada Public Library? The renewal of this levy will continue to pay operating costs for the library. There are no new taxes.
Icon: What will the levy cost the typical property owner? $34/yr for every $100,000 of property value, which is less than 10 cents a day.
Icon: How much will the library levy raise in a year? $113,000.
Icon: In your opinion, how important is the Ada Public Library to the Ada community? The library is vitally important to the Ada community. We have programs for adults, children, teenagers, tweens and toddlers. Just this week we had 38 tweens (mostly sixth-graders) make slime on Wednesday afternoon. The kids run to the library for the program!
Icon: Can you give us some library statistics? Last year, we had 426 programs with a total of 4,949 attendees. We circulated 64,204 items.
Icon: How many patrons visited the library in the past year? We had 26,208 patron visits in 2022.
Icon: What will happen if the levy does not pass? We will consider reductions to library hours, materials and programs.
Icon: How will a successful levy result in library services? We will continue to provide programs and services to the community. We had 38 tweens at the library for one program this week. They are excited to come to the library. We are grateful.
Icon: What is the library's service area? Our service area is the area of the Ada School District, which includes a population of 7,369.
Icon: Who operates the library? The library is operated by the Ada Public Library Board of Trustees. We have seven board members, who are all appointed by the school board for seven year terms. Normally, we have two full time positions (Director and Youth Services) and five or six part time employees. We are currently hiring for Youth Services Coordinator, so that position is not yet filled.
Six of the board members must live in the Ada Public School District. We may have one at large member who does not live in the District. Currently, all seven trustees reside in the Ada Public School District.
Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month at 9 am in the Ada Public Library Meeting Room. They are open meetings and all are welcome to attend.
Icon: What did the citizens of Ada get for their library dollars last year? Free notary service, service to the homebound and Vancrest of Ada residents, programs for all ages (everything from Storytimes to Yoga, and now Line Dancing), Summer Reading for everyone, computers, free WiFi, free tech help every Wednesday with Chloe, access to databases, statewide delivery of library books and items, the digitized collection of Ada newspaper and yearbooks, books, audiobooks, DVDs, videogames, magazines, newspapers and mostly importantly, a director and staff who want to serve the needs of the community. For every $100,000 of property value, it costs less than 10 cents a day to allow us to be a great place for everyone.