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Hardin Northern Class of 1958 hosted 65-year celebration

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Fourteen members of the 1965 Hardin Northern graduating class and two former members, five spouses and one guest enjoyed a reunion earlier this summer at the home of Barbara Willeke Haynes. The afternoon was spent visiting. A short business meeting included mention of each member who has passed since the last reunion and memorials were given in their honor.

Those who attended enjoyed pizza and ice cream sundaes and other desserts. 

Those attending the reunion of the Hardin Northern class of 1958:

Front row L-R) Janet (Lambert) Hensel, Barbara (Willeke) Haynes, Dianna (Steinman) Starr, Janice (Bailey) Rausch, former classmate, Sally (Gibson) Miller, Nelda (Knauff) Adcock, Dorthy (Frederick) James, Phyllis (Powell) Griffith.

Second row L-R) Charles Hensel, Laverne Freed, Jim Sampson, former classmate Leota (Firebend) McCandless, Marilyn (Hiller) Amweg,

Third row L-R) Ron Arn, Rowe Garmon, and JoAnn Wertenberger Carman.


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