Ash Wednesday 2015 takes on a new meaning for First United Methodist members the year.
Retired United Methodist Bishop Joseph H. Yeakel will preach during the service, on Wednesday, Feb. 18, which will include communion and will be held in the new church building.
The guest preacher is the father of Rev. Mary Jo Yeakel, pastor of the Ada congregation.
Several additional events take place in February, March and April as the congregation prepares to move into its new building.
• A complete schedule of events planned is in an attachment at the bottom of this story.
• Other attachments include a layout of the new buildling and a photograph of the original building.
Those events include a Sunday, Feb. 22, worship at 10 a.m. in the Ohio Northern University Chapel. That is the final service in the chapel. At 11:30 am. congregation members will parade to the new church with other churches and neighbors joining.
At noon, in the new building, will be the singing a song a praise and blessings given. Cookies and punch will be served in the new fellowship hall.
Then, on Sunday, March 1, the congregation will hold its first official Sunday service in its new building. The guest preacher is Jerry Murray of RCM, the architect of the building.
On Sunday, March 15 will be a day of gratitude held during the Sunday worship.
On Palm Sunday, March 29, Bishop Gregory V. Palmer, resident bishop of the West Ohio Conference, is the guest preacher.
On Sunday, April 5, Easter Sunday, the new church building will be officially dedicated. Rev. Barry Burns, district superintendent of the United Methodist Church, will be present.
Jonathon Wey has composed a musical piece “Unless the Lord Builds the House,” which will be presented by the Chancel Choir with University Singers. Dr. Ben Ayling, II, will direct the performance.
A ribbon cutting takes place at 11:30 a.m.
On Sunday, April 26, is the spring concert of the University Singers at 8 p.m. It will be the first-ever concert presentation in the new church.