The Ada Academic and Music Boosters will co-sponsor a purse raffle during Valentine’s Day weekend.
The fundraiser will support academic endeavors/activites and music programs at the Ada Schools. The fundraiser is at 2 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 15, at the Ada VFW.
Tickets are $15 and include snacks and a chance at several door prizes. There are designer purses, lia Sophia jewelry, 31 items and other prizes totaling over $2,500.
Raffle tickets can be purchased for those who will be unable to attend, which includes a chance to win a first prize of a Coach purse, second prize of a Coach wristlet, and a third prize of $25 in cash.
Other items will be offered in a quarter auction. A separate game will be held for a wallet that contains a $100 in cash. Likewise, the boosters will offer a number of items as part of a silent auction.
Doors open at 1:30 p.m. for viewing items with raffles and games starting at 2 p.m. An appetizer buffet will be available for $5. Tickets may be purchased or reserved by contacting Tracie Amburgey 419-235-8162 or by e-mailing [email protected] or by visiting
Tickets will be available at the door as long as they last.