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Marathon presents check to university’s Mu Delta Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi

Marathon Petroleum donated $1,000 to Ohio Northern University’s Mu Delta Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi on Thursday, Nov. 6. Ryan Abraham, president of the Beta Alpha Psi ONU chapter, and Andria Beehler-Evans, vice president, accepted the generous donation.

Abraham, who expressed his gratitude on behalf of the chapter, said “These funds will truly benefit our chapter, allowing us to make various purchases that we otherwise would not be able to make. Our chapter will use the donated funds to offer our members opportunities to network with financial and business leaders as well as provide our chapter with resources to effectively operate on a daily basis.”

Prior to presenting the check, Marathon Petroleum’s Melanie Mattingly, accounting controls and processes manager, and Michael Braddock, recently retired chief accounting officer and 1980 ONU graduate, spoke on the importance of and recent developments related to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and internal controls.

Founded in 1919, Beta Alpha Psi is an honor organization for financial information students and professionals. There are more than 300 chapters on college and university campuses with more than 300,000 members initiated since Beta Alpha Psi’s formation. The primary objective of Beta Alpha Psi is to encourage and give recognition to scholastic and professional excellence in the business information field.
