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School photos rescheduled for Monday

Due to the unexpected cancellation of school last week two events were rescheduled for Monday, Nov. 3. Those events follow:

School Pictures:
Junior high and high school pictures have been rescheduled for Monday, Nov. 3. This includes senior composite pictures. Senior composite pictures for Apollo students only will begin at 7 a.m. in the band room. All other seniors will be called per public address announcement during first period. Picture retakes have been rescheduled for Dec. 2.

Pack the Pound Open Lunch:
The Pack the Pound Open Lunch is also rescheduled for Monday, Nov 3. Mr. Lee has the list of all students eligible to attend that turned in their parent permission slips. Students on the list should sign out with Mr. Lee at the end of the high school hallway after the bell rings ending 5th period at 12:25 p.m. Students will sign back in through the same door with Mr. Lee by no later than 1:10 p.m.
