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Ohio Northern University kicks off 2014 Reading Series with Author Alissa Nutting

The Ohio Northern University Department of English opens its 2014 Fall Reading Series with author Alissa Nutting in the Elzay Gallery of Art at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 15. This event is free and open to the public.

Nutting is author of the novel “Tampa” and the short story collection “Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls.” The book was selected by judge Ben Marcus as winner of the sixth Starcherone Prize for Innovative Fiction. The book is currently a ForeWard Book of the Year Finalist as well as a current Eric Hoffer Montaigne Medal finalist for thought-provoking texts.

Nutting’s fiction has appeared in publications such as “The Norton Introduction to Literature,” Tin House, Bomb Magazine and Conduit. Nutting’s essays have appeared in Fence, The New York Times, Elle magazine, and other venues. She is an assistant professor of creative writing at John Carroll University.

Nutting received her Ph.D. from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in 2011. There, she was awarded Schaeffer and Cobain fellowships in fiction. As part of the staff of the Black Mountain Institute, she served on Witness magazine as the fiction editor. She is the managing editor of Fairy Tale Review and is currently guest-editing Fairy Tale Review’s Grey Issue, themed “Lost Boys, Lost Girls.”