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Court of Honor recognizes recent achievements of Ada Boy Scouts

Boy Scout Troop 124 of Ada recently held a Court of Honor to recognize the Scouts’ achievements earned over the past few months.

Khyler Stoll served as Master of Ceremonies to complete his Communications Merit Badge. He opened the ceremony with Jared Hunt leading the group in the Pledge of Allegiance and Deavan Scott leading the Scout Oath.

Theo Hardesty began telling the group of parents about the flag placement and retrieval from Woodlawn Cemetery that the troop participates in yearly.

Jacob Butterfield and Aaron Spar talked to the Scouts about their OA ordeal and the importance the Order of the Arrow has in their Scouting careers. Theo then spoke on their experiences at summer camp spent at Camp Berry in Findlay.

Deavan spoke about the golf merit badge that many of the boys were working on at Colonial Golf Course.

Khyler told everyone about the F & M picnic where the boys raised the flag.

Jacob talked about the 6 mile hike that was taken to Shilling’s Woods for their campout as Korwin Kurtz chatted about the canoeing trip that the group took down Mad River.

Tom Lehman, Scoutmaster, then passed out awards earned over the summer.

Nick Hartman earned his woodworking merit badge.
Isaac Spar received his merit badges for Disability Awareness, Citizenship in the Nation, and Life Saving. He also earned the rank of Second class.
Khyler accepted his Leatherworking MB and the rank of Tenderfoot.
Theo collected a Citizenship in the World MB and the rank of Second Class.
Aaron acquired MB for Astronomy, Disability Awareness, Orienteering, Citizenship in the World, Emergency Preparedness, and Camping. He also earned the rank of Star.
Nick received his Swimming and First Aid Merit Badges.
Wyatt Rettig earned his Pottery, Life Saving, and Citizenship in the Nation MB. He also earned his Second Class rank.
Deavan received his Disability Awareness MB and the rank of Tenderfoot and Second Class.
Korwin was acknowledged for earning MB for Game Design, Public Speaking, and Shotguns.
Jared earned the Music, Shotgun, and Orienteering MB and was recognized for earning his First Class in First Year award.
• The Scouts earning their Summer Camp Award was Isaac, Khyler, Theo, Nathan, Aaron, Wyatt, Korwin, and Jared.

Aaron, Senior Patrol Leader, made announcements for upcoming events.

Past events also included the fair set up and manning their booth, the H & H parade and popcorn booth, flag raising for Ada and ONU games,  and  popcorn sales going on now.

Chaplain, Jeff Kurtz, closed the meeting in prayer as they shared cake and ice cream together.


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