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Tickets on sale for annual Music Boosters chicken barbecue

Ada Music Boosters Annual Chicken BBQ August 29th

Tickets are now on sale for the annual Ada Music Boosters chicken barbecue, always held behind the stadium the evening of the first home football game of the year. This year the Chicken Barbecue will be from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 29, before the Bulldogs host USV.

The annual event is a major fund-raiser for the Ada Music Boosters. Proceeds benefit numerous projects for Ada’s instrumental and vocal music programs. Tickets are being sold now through August 22nd. Contact any band or choir member to purchase tickets, or call Dave Smittle at 419-230-8147.

Priced at $8, these popular dinners include one-half barbecue grilled chicken, green beans, cheesy potatoes and a dinner roll. Cold drinks are available the day of pick-up for 50 cents each.

"We are again using BBQ Express for our annual dinner because they consistently offer a high quality, delicious meal for our event," said David Smittle of the Boosters.

He added: The Ada Music Boosters chicken barbecue is a long-standing Ada tradition because so many find it to be an easy way for families to enjoy a quick and convenient dinner before the first home football game of the season. Hundreds of dinners are sold every year and we encourage you to buy your tickets early again this year.

Each band/choir student has a dozen tickets to sell. Additional tickets are available by contacting Smittle at 419-230-8147. Music families should plan to have all tickets sold and money returned by Noon on Friday, Aug. 22. Checks are welcome and should be made payable to the Ada Music Boosters.

Smittle said: "Thank you for your assistance in making this annual fund-raiser a success for the Boosters. Proceeds from this sale are needed for several important upcoming projects for the band, choir and Varsity Singers as we head into the new school year. Students are able to earn money towards their travel account through the sale of chicken barbecue tickets. We thank the community for its support of this annual event!."

More information on this and other projects, plus the music department calendar of events, is always available online at

From the Web page, you may also print our Patron/Membership form, or, new this year, you may now give online to support the Music Boosters. We ask for your thoughtful consideration in supporting the Ada Music Boosters and our projects for the upcoming school year. And, be sure to “Like” our Facebook page at to keep up with the many accomplishments of our students.


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