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Cessna Minutemen 4-H practicing "mock judging"

by Jessica Breidenbach

At 7:30 p.m. on July 8, 2014 the Cessna Minutemen 4-H club held a meeting at Walnut Grove United Methodist Church. The 4-H pledge was led by Preston Rembis and the Pledge of Allegiance was led by Emily Jones. Roll call was taken by advisor, Sherrie Breidenbach by asking the members if their project was coming along. Vice president, Ashley Breidenbach read the minutes from the last meeting.

It was announced to the club that if they have livestock they must go to a Quality Assurance to show their animal. One Quality Assurance has already been held and the Cessna Minutemen will not be holding a quality assurance. Advisors discussed the changes to livestock judging for this year. Members don't need to memorize answers to the questions about their projects, but be able to discuss the projects with the judges.

The dates were announced for the 4-H dance and the 4-H Olympics. Members were reminded that if they have non-livestock projects, they have to sign-up for judging online. Judging is Monday, July 14 by appointment. From July 23 to August 3 the 2014 Ohio State Fair will be held in Columbus and the members were encouraged to go.

Many demonstrations were given. Jessica and Ashley Breidenbach gave a demonstration on the supplies needed for pigs in a fair box. Zac Breidenbach gave a demonstration on how to tie a knot for a cattle halter and Cymon Crowe talked about the different types of cameras. Cassie Crooks explained the parts of an arrow, while Ashton Stevenson talked about accessories and how to use them. Gun safety was demonstrated by Trent Castle and Paracord was talked about by Parker Rembis. Aaron Hensel discussed fire safety with the members.

For recreation the club played hot potato. Following the meeting, the creative team had a small meeting discussing the fair booth. Mock judging was held for non-livestock projects following the meeting, as well. The next meeting will be July 29,2014 at 7:30 p.m. at the Walnut Grove United Methodist Church.


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