Here's some May announcements for Ada school students from today's school website:
May 9th Honor Roll Bowling Party at Norada Lanes
May 14th Senior Honors Banquet 6:00 – 9:00 pm
May 16th Spring Fever Follies 7:00 – 10:00pm
May 20th 2nd Semester exams & Community Service Day for seniors
May 21st Junior High Honors Assembly @9:30 & High School Honors Assembly @1:15 pm
May 22nd Graduation practice @11:00 AM in the Varsity gym (Mandatory)
May 22nd Baccalaureate Service at ONU Chapel @7:00 pm
May 22nd 2nd Semester Exams
May 23rd Last Day for classes for K-11
May 25th Commencement 2:00 pm in Varsity Gym
May 31st Alumni Association Dinner in Cafeteria @ 5:30 pm
SENIORS: We need Baccalaureate photos. Senior pictures and baby pictures need to be given to the office, or emailed go Garmonv@blufftonschools, or mailed to Vickie Garmon at 1436 CR 20 Ada no later than today if you want them to be included in the Baccalaureate slide show. If you have any photos that have groups of students when you were younger please include them also.
LAST BOOK CLUB MEETING for the year will be Friday, May 9. You have two books to choose from again this month and Mrs. Smith has a signed copy of one of the titles to give away at the meeting! Choose a book and meet in the library at 8 a.m. on Friday, May 9th for breakfast. See Mrs. Smith in the library if you have any questions.
BETA CLUB: Will be sponsoring a Junior High dance on Saturday, May 17th from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in the cafeteria. Admission is $5.00 and a canned food item to be donated to the Ada Food Pantry.
ATTENTION NHS MEMBERS: There will be a very short NHS meeting Friday during 5B lunch. Please report to the Media Center at 1:10. See Mrs. Davis if you have any questions.
ATTENTION ALL ATHLETICS 6-11 GRADE: OIO will be offering free physicals for any student grade 6-11 from 5:30 – 8:00 pm on Monday, May 12th. Anyone planning to attend needs an OHSAA physical form and consent for Pre-Participation Physical form. You can pick those forms up in the high school office or download them from
CONGRATULATIONS: to the cast and crew for their 10 nominations for the Hardin County Players T.A.B.S. awards. There is a sign-up sheet in the high school office for those who wish to attend the banquet.